Living a Long Life revisited

Having spent a few years in Okinawa I was fascinated to find these native people are not only the longest lived, but also the healthiest long lived people on the earth.  The Okinawa Centenarian Study. YouTube on Okinawa. Okinawa 2.

Baskin-Robbins ice cream.  The original Robbins had one son; instead of following in his father's footstep$, he decided to seek for a better and healthier world.  Here is a YouTube clip of John Robbins.  He also has a website: Official Site

More coming?

Halides, Iodine and Thyroid Health

Dr. David Brownstein part 1part 2
Part 1 discusses the importance of bioidentical hormones, why we have $ynthetic hormone$, and the vital difference between the two.
Part 2 discusses the link between grain treatment (notabley wheat) and thyroid gland destruction due to iodine replacement.

New addition (12/20/11) Bromides in soft drinks.  Mountain Dew, Fanta Orange, Squirt, some flavors of Gatorade and Powerade, as well as other fruit-flavored beverages contain brominated vegetable oil (BVO).  Upon examination, the FDA removed the GRAS status of BVO used as a flavor additive, but in 1977 approved it as a stabilizer.  Go figure($$).

Learn more:
If you search the internet with the terms 'bromine' and 'flour' you will find a lot is known about the health stealing properties of the halide group and the vital health promoting properties of the one good halide - iodine.
  Here is a sample statement:  "Fluorine, Bromine, Chlorine, Iodine---the four 'INES’ that affect the body (the Halogen family). The first three are the most active so they displace the only good one---iodine, throughout the body, and in so doing they not only poison us, they cause osteoporosis, arthritis, brain fog and other degenerative diseases.  They destroy the function of the thyroid gland, add toxins to breast and prostate tissue, suppress the immune system and make the whole body susceptible to cancer."  To read more where this quote was found, go HERE.  Also at that site is the mention of Bergen Co., NY, that does not fluoridate their water and uses only minimal chlorination - instead, they use ozone pretreatment.  Here is a link to a video presentation by United Water of NJ.   Here is another clip on YouTube about ozone treatment of water

An excellent summary of Dr. Brownstein's work can be found HERE, with additional links there.

Iodine supplement sources (need to add more): Iosol; Optimox; GHC;

ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) notes

ALA is a naturally occuring substance in our bodies.

ALA recharges other antioxidants - c,e,CoQ-10, etc.
Made by body but decreases with age.
Needed to convert glucose to ATP for cell energy.
Both water and fat soluble so crosses brain barrier.
Good for diabetics. Helps with neuropathy pain.
ALA provides relief and helps repair nerves. IV & Oral; oral use give similar blood levels.
Take 800 or 1200 mg/dy.
Helps prevent NASH and liver damage.
No problems with overdose.
Counters kidney damage. Slows down cataract formation, prevents protein loss in diabetics. 300 mg minimum. 600-900 mg 3 times per day if problems with neuopathy. Helps cholesterol damage. Improves blood flow. Lessens reprofusion injury - heart attacks, strokes, etc. bedsores, dibetic foot ulcers, ministrokes.

Helps repair endothelium cells in blood vessels; Endothlial dysfunction from smoking, diabetes, etc. helped by ALA. Used as chelating agent and to prevent kidney/liver damage. Use befoe getting amalgam fillings out. Protects liver from poisons like tylenol, mushroom poisoning, pain meds, has reversed hepatic acoma. Age related mental decline, immune modulator, weight loss, combine with L-Carnitine helps noise related hearing loss. Use with B-12 & Zinc.

Magnesium, d-ribose, Omega-3, CoQ-10, ALA. D3. Dr. Becker show YH-1255


All credit for the contents of this post go to Kristen Michaelis (The Food Renegade).  I've copied the content here because stuff this good has a way of disappearing from the internet...  Here is the link to her article before this one (Is Pork Bad for You?)

The Definitive Guide To Pork:

Confused about the meaning of "cured," "uncured," & "marinated"? I’d never before considered that the world of pork labeling could be nearly as confusing as, say, the world of egg labeling. But it is. It totally is. As with egg labels, a lot of terms get thrown around on labels, and hardly anyone seems to know what they actually mean. Now you’ll know.
I’d never before considered that the world of pork labeling could be nearly as confusing as, say, the world of egg labeling. But it is. It totally is. As with egg labels, a lot of terms get thrown around on labels, and hardly anyone seems to know what they actually mean. Now you’ll know.
When I select pork, I consider first how the pig was raised and slaughtered. I know it’s hard to put any kind of factory farming on a sliding scale; it’s all bad (and arguably evil). But in my heart of hearts, factory pig farms are among the worst of the lot. Domesticated pigs are highly intelligent creatures, well adapted to living around people. This was, in fact, the common practice for thousands of years among pig-raising small homesteads. The conditions of the factory farm allow the pigs no expression of the “pigness of the pig” (to quote Joel Salatin).
How The Pig Was Raised?

Best Option: Know Your Farmer

The best way to buy pork is directly from a farmer you know and trust. These farmers usually have an open farm policy, allowing you to drop in and see how they’re raising their pigs. First, let me clear up a few misconceptions about well-raised pigs.
Everyone loves to throw around the term “pastured” in reference to pigs. While that’s a helpful term in that it implies that pigs get to spend the majority of their lives outside, it can also mislead people who don’t know very much about how pigs eat. Pigs don’t eat grass exclusively. They are not ruminants; they have but one stomach (much like our own). Pigs are omnivores who love to eat scraps, food waste, grains, and more. On a traditional homestead, pigs are fed “slop” — a mix of kitchen scraps, the whey leftover from cheesemaking, canning leftovers, you name it. My point? Don’t judge a farm by its feed. What may be unappealing or seem “unhealthy” to you is in fact what pigs love and thrive on the most.
Second, a well-raised pig gets to forage. Pigs like to graze. They like to use their snout to root around in the straw or dirt and find old acorns and other half-rotted goodies to eat. They like to eat plants like clover, oats, and rye. They like to maw on old tree roots, fermenting corn, and other jewels which you and I probably don’t find very appealing.
Good Option: Certified Humane or Animal Welfare Approved
If you don’t have a local farmer to buy from, your next best option is to buy pork that has the Certified Humane or Animal Welfare Approved label on it. According to the Certified Humane standards for pigs and the Animal Welfare Approved standards for pigs, pigs raised with these labels will:
•be fed a nutritious diet

•not receive non-therapeutic antibiotics or hormones

•be given appropriate shelter from weather

•not be confined unless its for short, necessary periods (like when they’re being examined or weighed)

•have resting areas with comfortable bedding like straw

•be allowed sufficient space in their resting areas to turn around and lie down fully stretched

•engage freely in natural behaviors

The more stringent of the two labels is the Animal Welfare Approved label, which actually requires outdoor foraging and rooting. With the Certified Humane label, there is no guarantee that the pig spends the majority of its life raised outdoors (although many with this certification are). But at least you know they were raised in a way that had outdoor access, respected their comfort, and allowed them to express their natural behaviors like rooting and mawing.
Fine Option: USDA Certified Organic Pork

Organic pork standards require that pigs be fed organic feed, prohibit non-therapeutic antibiotics or hormones, and have good standards for providing for the pig’s comfort, bedding, outdoor access, etc. The standards are less stringent than with the third-party labels above, but they’re still far superior to conventionally raised, factory-farmed pork.
Avoid: “Natural” and Factory-Farmed Pork

Unless your pork falls into one of the three categories above, it was raised in the conventional, factory-farmed system. The label “natural” often gets applied to factory-farmed pork products, but don’t be fooled by it. All the word “natural” means is that the pork was processed without the use of artificial ingredients, coloring ingredients, or chemicals. It strictly refers to how the meat was handled after the animal was dead, and has nothing whatsoever to do with how the animal was raised.
How The Pork Is Prepared

After considering how the pig was raised, the next major indicator of the healthfulness of pork is how it was prepared. In last week’s post on the healthfulness of pork, I argued that traditionally-prepared pork can be healthy for you while non-traditionally prepared pork may cause an inflammatory response in the blood.
What is traditionally prepared pork?

The large pork-raising cultures are mostly in Asian and Europe.
In Asian cultures, pork was traditionally cut up and marinated in something acidic prior to cooking. In India, pork is marinated in yogurt (Tandoori Pork). In Vietnam, it is marinated in a fermented fish sauce with lemon. In Thailand and China, pork ribs are marinated in a fermented fish sauce and wine (see these Thai Style Spareribs for an example).
In European cultures, pork was traditionally cured (think “preserved”) with salt, spices, and a sweetener to produce hams, bacon, and savory sausages like salami, pastrami, pepperoni, prosciutto, and more. Salt alone doesn’t make a good cure as it tends to harden the meat and make it dry. Added sweeteners, spices, and peppers do the magic of retarding the hardening, drying action of the salt and produce the well-rounded flavors we associate with these various cuts of pork. These pork cuts could also be smoked while being cured — a sort of double-whammy as far as imparting flavor and preserving the meat. Pork was generally slaughtered in the winter, and that’s because a good chill is necessary to arrest unfavorable pathogenic bacterial growth while waiting for the salt-cure and natural fermentation of good bacteria to set in. In warmer climates where the winter chill was not enough to fully retard the growth of pathogenic bacteria (particularly around bones and joints), it was typical to pickle the pork to jump-start the natural fermentation process so that the good bacteria could easily outnumber and out-compete the bad bacteria. Back then, pickling involved soaking the meat in a salt brine and allowing lactic-acid producing cultures to help ferment the meat. The curing process typically took 1 1/2 to 2 days per pound in the cut of meat — so a 10 lb ham would cure for 20 days, while a 1 lb link of pork sausage would cure for just 2.
Marinated Pork

In line with the traditional Asian recipes above, marinating is something you’d do at home after you purchase a raw cut of pork. The smaller the pork cuts, the less time they’ll need to spend in the marinade. Generally, an overnight marinade in an acidic medium will be enough for diced pork, while larger cuts like a pork chop or scored pork roast will need to be marinated for 24 hours. Look for recipes that have acidic marinades — lemon juice, wine, yogurt, vinegar, fermented fish sauces, etc.
Uncured Pork

Because of our strange labeling laws, traditionally-cured pork products are now labeled as “uncured” pork in retail markets. That’s because a new form of curing has evolved over the past couple hundred years that has become mainstream since the discovery of saltpeter (sodium nitrate) in the late 19th century. Saltpeter was used as a fertilizer first, then as a food preservative in place of salt. In the 1960s we created sodium nitrite in laboratories, and it swiftly became the preferred curing agent in meats as it keeps meat looking pink and fresh instead of allowing it to turn grey (as is natural in traditionally-cured meats). Now, most “cured” meats are cured with either sodium nitrate, sodium nitrite, or both. The danger with these new forms of curing comes because these compounds turn into nitrosamines (a known carcinogen) when digested in conjunction with protein:
Like sodium nitrite, sodium nitrate forms nitrosamines, a human carcinogen, known to cause DNA damage and increased cellular degeneration. Studies have shown a link between increased levels of nitrates and increased deaths from certain diseases including Alzheimer’s, diabetes mellitus and Parkinson’s, possibly through the damaging effect of nitrosamines on DNA.[8] Nitrosamines, formed in cured meats containing sodium nitrate and nitrite, have been linked to gastric cancer and oesophageal cancer.[9] Sodium nitrate and nitrite are associated with a higher risk of colorectal cancer.[10] World Cancer Research Fund UK,[11] states that one of the reasons that processed meat increases the risk of colon cancer is its content of nitrate. A small amount of the nitrate added to meat as a preservative breaks down into nitrite, in addition to any nitrite that may also be added. The nitrite then reacts with protein-rich foods (such as meat) to produce N-nitroso compounds (NOCs). Some types of NOCs are known to cause cancer. NOCs can be formed either when meat is cured or in the body as meat is digested. (source)
Because this new form of curing with nitrates or nitrites is so common in commercially-cured meats, meat cured using the traditional methods of curing without the use of these chemical compounds is now called “uncured”.
What to look for on the label

When trying to determine whether or not a pork product is traditionally-cured, look for the following on the ingredients label:
•The word “uncured” — This almost always means a traditional curing process was used.

•No “sodium nitrite,” “sodium nitrate,” “salt peter,” or “mono-sodium glutamate (MSG)” — If any of these words are on the label, it is NOT a traditionally cured meat.

•A “lactic-acid” starter culture — This is a known, safe way for giving the good bacteria a jump start to help preserve the meat during the smoking process and has its roots in our long history of traditionally-pickled meats. It will almost always mean that the meat was traditionally-cured, as meats cured with nitrites or nitrates don’t need the jump-start.

•A blend of salt, spices, and a sweetener — Traditionally-cured meats will contain a blend of these ingredients in order to create the complex flavor and texture associated with particular cuts or products.

Vitamin Water and Power Drinks

Vitamin Water (& Power Drinks) - Sounds like good stuff doesn't it?  Look carefully who makes this toxic concoction.  You may have to get out your magnifying glass, but if it is one of the big pop bottlers (like Coca-Cola) you have good reason to be suspicious!  Here is one of many resources.  Get yo SUGGA!!

Instead of this junk, try lemon or lime water.  As strange as it sounds, this will tend to make your body more alkaline and healthier.

Additional links later?

Toxic Intestines and the link to Autism

You won't find this making headline news - but I find it very informative.
Here is a link to a series of videos about the increase of toxic gut and how it leads to suseptability of brain damage from vaccines.  Dr. Campbell-McBride

FAIR - A lot of interesting interviews and resources here.

Additional background that may be helpful to understanding how vaccines become toxic to one child and not another.  Heal Your Toxic Child

80% of parents want FAT kids

Do you want your kid to be obese?  Must be since about 80% of children are now becoming obese.

But to take the guesswork out of it, here is how to do it:

How to make your kid fat and develop cirrhosis or the liver: 
First and foremost, let them eat/drink sugar (or a lot of alcohol).  READ THE LABEL!  See just how much sugar is in almost every breakfast cereal, or processed food (hint - it comes in a box or container).

From a recent article by Dr. Mercola: 

"HFCS is in the vast majority of processed foods—even those you wouldn't think of as sweet, such as ketchup, soup, salad dressing, bread and crackers. Even "natural" foods often contain fructose as a sweetener. So even if you don't drink soda, if you eat processed or packaged foods at all, you're likely consuming fructose—and a lot of it. Fructose accounts for 10 percent of the calories in the average American diet.  Metabolically, it's the worst of the worst."

"How Consuming Fructose Can Damage Your Liver:

Fructose is very hard on your liver, in much the same way as drinking alcohol.
1.Liver burden number one: After eating fructose, 100 percent of the metabolic burden rests on your liver—ONLY your liver can break it down. This is much different than consuming glucose, in which your liver has to break down only 20 percent, and the remaining 80 percent is immediately metabolized and used by the rest of the cells in your body.

2.Liver burden number two: Fructose is converted into fat that get stored in your liver and other tissues as body fat. Part of what makes fructose so bad for your health is that it is metabolized to fat in your body far more rapidly than any other sugar. For example, if you eat 120 calories of fructose, 40 calories are stored as fat. But if you eat the same amount of glucose, less than one calorie gets stored as fat. Consuming fructose is essentially consuming fat! "

Classification of humans based on gut flora

An interesting article in Nature reported there are three main types of enterotypes found across part of the world.  Although the study was rather limited and only studied several countries, at least it is indicative of the increasing awareness that your gut flora is critical to good health and freedom from chronic diseases.  Total ingnorance of this issue is leading most teenagers to a sad future - most doctors are in the dark too!
  The number one cause of toxic gut?  Antibiotics and prescription drugs!!  Search for yourself - search on 'dysbiosis'.
  More on enterotypes as the science advances.
  Another related topic is clostridium diffcile or C DIFF.  It has been increasing at an alarming rate among both children and adults.  More on this as I have time to investigate.  MedNews  Doubled 

Fructose Update

High Fructose Corn Syrup has received so much negative press that they have changed the name to "Corn Sweetener", so don't be fooled.  But HFCS isn't the end of the subject.  Fruit of all kinds contain fructose.  Fructose is metabolized (used by the body) different from glucose.  The bottom line is excessive fructose leads to insulin insensitivity (type 2 diabetes) and the other big killers (heart, cancer, mental decline, etc.).  Especially when consumed without the accompanying fiber associated with eating the natural fruit; i.e., fruit juices.  Dr. Mercola expounds on this in this article.


Most doctors have no idea what to do for pancreatitis other than guess as foods that might make it worse.  There are studies that suggest eating a diet high in antioxidants and keeping away from soda and other 'high oxidizers' can greatly decrease the number of pain filled days and nights.
Links of interest:  MedPage  
  Also note that most of your common grocery store household cleaners are high in oxidizers.
  The four 'health berries'; Acai, Goji, Noni, and Mangosteen are also very high in antioxidants - acai being the highest with an ORAC value of over 1000.
  The common spice cumin has also been found to have a number of benefits and is high in antioxidants, antistress, and memory enhancing properties.  See CUMIN

Agent Orange

Being a Vietnam veteran, I've had some interest in Agent Orange, the toxic herbicidal defoliant used during and since that war.  This is really scary stuff!     For details see MONSANTO

They have been experimenting with a new herbicide to rid the Rio Grande of an invasive reed that complicates border surveilance and control - but not to worry, the government says its safe(!?).  FoxNews  Although effects may not show up imediately (remember Agent Orange was 'safe' too) it may be combined with surficants which are know to be quite genotoxic. Mendeley

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - an alternative solution

Believe it or not, this much less expensive & envasive device really works!  This is a data point of one, but my wife tried it and found overnight relief.  Stay tuned for long term results.  MyCarpalTunnel

Why SUGAR makes you fat

Well, not sugar, but more particularly FRUCTOSE:
Dr. Robert Lustig, Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology at the University of California, San Francisco, has been a pioneer in decoding sugar metabolism. Here are a few important facts about fructose:

•After eating fructose, 100 percent of the metabolic burden rests on your liver. With glucose, your liver has to break down only 20 percent. The fatty acids created during fructose metabolism accumulate as fat droplets in your liver and skeletal muscle tissues, causing insulin resistance and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Insulin resistance progresses to metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.
•Fructose converts to activated glycerol (g-3-p), which is directly used to turn free fatty acids (FFAs) into triglycerides that get stored as fat. The more g-3-p you have, the more fat you store. Glucose does not do this. When you eat 120 calories of glucose, less than one calorie is stored as fat. 120 calories of fructose, however, results in 40 calories being stored as fat. Consuming fructose is essentially consuming fat!
•The metabolism of fructose by your liver creates a long list of waste products and toxins, including a large amount of uric acid, which drives up blood pressure and causes gout.
•Glucose suppresses the hunger hormone ghrelin and stimulates leptin, which suppresses your appetite. Fructose has no effect on ghrelin and interferes with your brain's communication with leptin, resulting in overeating. For further confirmation on this, check out this 2008 study published in the Journal of Nutrition. The researchers concluded that fructose turned into body fat much quicker than glucose, and that having fructose for breakfast changed how the body handled fats at lunch.
Ironically, the food products that most people rely on to lose weight—low-fat diet foods—often contain the most fructose! So beware, and always read the content labels.

Ref: #1

Also of note is a study countering the incorrect notion we've all been slammed with that weight depends on calories in minus calories burned. Quality is More Important than Quantity (watch the potato chips) from the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).


A link for now.  Aspartame
More quick read from Amazon reviews and summaries.
There is more elsewhere on this blog under Artificial Sweetners.

If it says "Diet", "Lite", or "Reduced calories"  BEWARE!  It'll probably make you fat!

GMO Update

More research continues to reveal the damage done by GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms), as well as the assault on scientists who research in this highly lucrative field (follow the money once again).

Kidney & Liver Damage, etc. (note - long and technical)
Summary of above
Letter to Court

Sodium Fluoride Drops for Infants - research

Some dentists and pediatritions are prescribing sodium fluoride drops for infants - why?!
1. Presentation against fluoride in drinking water, Austin, TX (21 Mar 2011).
2. Natural Dentistry advice.
3. Scientists and Professionals against fluoridation due to adverse biological effects.
4. Fluoride results in better teeth - ops, maybe not.
5. Fluoride layer so thin that protection is questioned (PubMed 21 Dec 2010).
6. For The Record - The ADA recommendations.

Vaccine Update (again)

In many countries, government officials and drug companies aggressively resist conducting studies that compare the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated children. But such studies have been conducted in Africa.

One such study, from Guinea-Bissau, shows a doubling of the mortality rate among infants vaccinated with a single dose of DTP vaccine. The mortality rate more than quadrupled after the second and third dose.

Ignore the data, if the fox (BigPharma) says everything is fine in the hen house, it must be!
Vaccination Study

Premature Birth Drug - FDA helps again

A drug which the FDA approved more than half a century ago—which doctors have been prescribing for their patients with high-risk pregnancies through compounding pharmacies with great success—was designated by the FDA an “orphan drug.” Now KV Pharmaceutical has been given the exclusive right of production and sale (not to mention drug trial tax breaks!). They immediately raised the price from $10 per dose to $1,500—simply because they could.
See Details.

Midwifery/Natural Birthing/Diapers

I really don't remember how I got off on this subject, but with all the dangerous and often unnecessary interventions now used in hospital births, I thought it would be good to include some information on alternatives.

Interesting Midwife site. Midwife Certification. Find a Midwife.

Diapers - What's this doing here?! How do you 'do' diapers? Disposables right? And what do you put the disposables in when done? Any idea the effect these have on the environment; how long this toxic mess takes to disentigrate?! (some of it doesn't). Of equal concern is what do these disposables do to your baby?
If you are the typical 'modern' mom - you really don't want to consider this, but there are some alternatives to disposables. Here is one of many online resources: Diapers

Here is a throw-in from the Environmental Working Group:
(This is not an endorsement of these products - make up your own mind)
EWG's baby gift list (links to
Glass baby bottles
If you need to use plastic, buy BPA-free baby bottles
A natural wood, unpainted rattle
Chlorine-free disposable diapers or cloth diapers
Your favorite baby book -- in cardboard or wood (Alex is partial to Dr. Seuss!)
Organic cotton onesies

Diabetes and Insulin Resistance

Although I've run across a lot of literature and information on the Internet on this subject, I've not posted anything here.

Since it is becoming epidemic I think I will spend a little time investigating natural cures and pharmaceutical drug dangers.

A start:

Jon Barron on diabetes.

Here is a LONG list of articles addressing various issues relating to diabetes. (Note, you may have to register for this site - it's a pain, but I've found the site safe and worth it.).

Oh, by the way, if your doctor has recently put you on statin drugs, hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) is a frequent side effect!

A short summary is: Cut out sugar, particularly soda!! Diet, low calorie, fat free, etc., cut ALL pop and soda out of your diet. Try water. Next, cut back on processed foods [hint - it comes in a package and has more than 5 items listed on the ingredients label - most of which you can't pronounce!]; along with this, cut out processed carbohydrates, better known as junk snack food. Consider increasing your vitamin D3 intake and thiamine (a B-vitamin). Become very conscious of labels and read them - this takes some patience and study to get smart. DON'T get sucked into buying stuff just because it says "Fat Free", 'Low Calorie", or "Lite". These will sabotage your weight control every time! See my post on how to get fat.


Does your doc say you need to lower your cholesterol? And here's just the drug for it?
You may want to investigate the side effects of those drugs including the fact statin drugs (and others), block the same mechanism whereby your body makes coenzyme Q-10. Don't know what that is? Find out - your life depends on it!

Next here are some links that refute the whole cholesterol/cardio link. But research carefully, as there are many other factors that relate to heart disease.

THINCS - Note: This site is a little tedious to navigate, but don't give up.

Health Journal - He IS a doctor and almost always has something interesting to say; plus he isn't selling anything!

Also look on this Blog for information on Statin Drugs:
Statin Drugs - Updates
Statin Drugs - Muscle Problems
Statin Drugs - Or Niacin
Here is an OLD article on the ineffectiveness of Vytorin and Zetia in particular.

An interesting book to read on the subject is "The great American Heart Hoax" by Michael Ozner. You might try your local library. [ISBN: 9781933771540

Comments are welcome by the way.....

Harbin Ice and Snow Festival

I got sidetracked on this one. Someone sent me a power point show of the Harbin, China Ice and Snow Festival. Here is the link to a photographer with beautiful work - and it includes several of the Harbin festivals - Enjoy! You might want to explore some of his other photo's.

Here is a 2010 update from the Boston Globe.

Bone Density/Ostioporosis Drugs and Osteonecrosis

This is a placekeeper for further investigation - I gotta keep it somewhere!

Osteoporosis drugs such as Fosamax, Boniva, and Actonel are now being linked to osteonecrosis (bone death) in the jaw according to a new study by the University of Southern California's School of Dentistry.

The study's findings

According to a study by the University of Southern California's School of Dentistry (USCD), osteoporosis (a bone disease that leads to an increased risk of fracture) drugs such as Fosamax, Boniva and Actonel that are prescribed to nearly 30 million Americans each year may be the cause of jaw bone death, or osteonecrosis. The drugs, also known as bisphoshonates, became part of a USCD study after patients taking the drugs started showing unusual jaw infections.

According to an article in Science Daily ( and the April issue of the Journal of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery (, the USCD looked at microbial biofilms (which relates to bacteria) in the bones of patients taking these drugs and found a correlation between the drugs and jaw bone disorders.

Bisphosphonate manufacturers

The following companies manufacturer bisphosphonates:

•Fosamax - manufactured by Merck & Company.
•Boniva - manufactured by Roche and GlaxoSmithKline and made popular due to its celebrity endorser, Sally Field
•Actonel - manufactured by Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals and Sanofi Pharmaceuticals.
•Skelid - manufactured by Sanofi Pharmaceuticals
•Didronel - manufactured by Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals
•Reclast and Zometa - manufactured by Novartis Pharmaceuticals
What is Osteonecrosis?

Osteonocrosis is bone death resulting from poor blood supply to an area of bone. Often known as jaw death, it is a condition that has been linked to patients on bisphosphonate therapy and may also result in pain, swelling, infection of soft tissue, drainage, loosening of teeth, exposed bone, numbness, and heaviness of the jaw. The U.S. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and pharmaceutical giant Novartis, warned dental professionals in 2004 about a possible link to osteonecrosis and bisphosphonates over Novartis's drug Aredia which is no longer available to U.S. consumers.

Fructose - update - how to get FAT

This will change your life. Want to get fat? Eat more fat - right? WRONG! Eat FRUCTOSE! Whether it is high fructose corn syrup, or apple juice, or . . . . . almost any low fat packaged food. Look on the label - low fat -> hi sugar! Usually in the form of fructose. Also watch out for sugar substitutes - especially Aspartame!

Do you really believe calories in = calories burned + fat stored. Which means eat less and exercise more and you will lose weight. Does it work? Look around you - that's the story all the overweight people around you have swallowed. If it works why is the U.S. one of the most obese nations on earth? What is your experience?!

So do not watch any TV today and watch THIS
(WARNING - it takes 90 minutes - no commercials) and don't worry about all the technical, but informative, explanations - just listen for the message. And change your lifestyle for the better.



Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormone imbalance that can cause irregular periods, unwanted hair growth, and acne. PCOS begins during a girl’s teen years and can be mild or severe.

What are the signs of PCOS?
Teen girls and young women with PCOS commonly have one or more signs. Some of the most common signs include:
Irregular periods that come every few months, not at all, or too frequently
Extra hair on your face or other parts of your body, called hirsutism (her-suit-is-em)
Weight gain and/or trouble losing weight
Patches of dark skin on the back of your neck and other areas, called acanthosis nigricans (a-can-tho-sis ni-gri-cans)

The rates of PCOS among teens has skyrocketed since the 80's and is due to poor nutrition from processed foods and environmental toxins.

PCOS is caused by an imbalance in the hormones (chemical messengers) in your brain and your ovaries. Many girls also have higher than normal levels of insulin from the pancreas. PCOS usually happens when a hormone called LH or levels of insulin are too high, which results in extra testosterone production by the ovary.

In the 1980's, the fat-free philosophy reigned supreme. As fat in foods dwindled, sugar and artificial sweeteners came into ascendancy. So did obesity
Scientists & doctors at the University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, collected data for eight years and discovered that people who drank diet soda did not lose weight, but rather gained weight."

High fructose corn syrup arrived in the 1970's, made with cornstarch from genetically modified corn. Since that time, obesity and diabetes rates have soared. This 'engineered' fructose causes high triglyceride levels, fatty liver, insulin resistance, and seemingly unstoppable hunger since it also turns off your brain's ability to respond to leptin. Leptin is the hormone that lets you know when you're full.

An excellent site that further explains PCOS & natural alternatives to drugs:

Do you drink bottled water? Use canned foods/soups? Microwave in plastics? These are all sources of BPA's which are known hormone disrupters.

Another gland involved with PCOS is the thyroid gland. The detrimental effects of fluoride on on this gland are well proven, but not well publicized. What's in your toothpaste? Read the warning label. The toxic effects of fluoride are magnified by aluminum.

Many PCOS teens suffer from sugar addiction characterized by a diet high in white flour products (white bread, bagels, cookies, pastries), potatoes & potato products like chips, French fries, etc. Closely related are corn based snacks.


Here is some information on cataracts - some of which I wish I'd known many years ago!

What is a cataract? And what does it look like? Go HERE (good site with pictures).

I just had cataract surgery after having worn glasses for the past 50 or so years.

Here is a long audio (51 min) on what you can do to prevent cataracts. Or, go to the same website and read the important points below the audio player first.

Want to know what cataract surgery looks like today - check it out. (Video)

Do you have cataracts and wonder what to do?
1. Most insurance (US) will cover the surgery and lens replacement with a monocular lens.
2. If you have severe astigmatism, are extremely near sighted, or have other eye conditions other than presbyopia, nearsightedness, or farsightedness you may have to get a more complicated (and expensive) lens. Talk to your opthalmologist about what he recommends.
3. You may also opt to get a 'premium' ($$) lens such as:
. a. Multifocal lens (see below).
. b. Accommodating lens (also below).

c. Mix & Match, or a combination of the different lenses. One in one eye, another kind in the other eye.

Types of lenses:
1. Monofocal: Corrects vision for one distance - usually far vision, then you have to use reading glasses or similar for close up. But if you do most of your work up close you could get a monofocal lens that corrects for up close and glasses for medium and far vision. It is possible to have one eye focused for far and the other for near - this is called monovision. This has been successful with people using contact lenses, but I've not talked to anyone who has had monovision using implants or "IOL's". I was initially considering it, but decided to go for the more expensive multifocal ReSTOR lens.
2. Multifocal: There are three contenders here at this time - Tecnis, ReZoom and ReSTOR. For me it was a toss-up between the Tecnis and the ReSTOR. As I understood it, the Tecnis gave better near vision in dim light than the ReSTOR, but more glare from headlights in night driving. I finally went with the ReSTOR. And it may be the doctor just likes those better, it's a hard decision to make - especially since you can only do it once!
3. Accomodating: This is the Crystalens. It is supposed to work just like your lens did when you were younger and be able to change shape as it is hooked to the same muscles that focused your natural lens once upon a time. According to my doctor, he hasn't had such good luck with them and people end up with poor near focus as the lens tends to pop out of place and move forward. He will not use them.

Post-Op experience. As I'm writing this, I've only had my right eye done (next eye in a week) and I'm quite pleased with the results. At present (operation + 1 week) I can't see that well for reading. They say it will get better. My eye is not 20/20 far, 20/35 near, and the night glare of bright lights doesn't seem to be a bother. Before surgery I was in otherwise excellent health, not on any meds, and no other complications other than the cataracts.

State of Health

So what is your state of health? Or more precisely, how does your state (of the U.S. States) compare? Fun site. Then check out counties in your (or any) state.

Antibiotics - is yours a fluoroquinolone?

"The Fluoroquinolone Drugs are the most toxic and dangerous antibiotic in clinical practice today"

A very dangerous group of antibiotics known as fluorquinolones are given out like candy by ignorant physicians every day. Check here for the common names of many of them.

Then set back for a good read and check out the many side effects of these drugs. Many have been taken off the market due to the severe damage they cause, but many are still out there reaping havoc as well as profits for the pharmaceutical companies as they sell drug after drug to address the damage originating with these drugs - and most medical practitioners are totally unaware of this. Don't be as ignorant - the quality of life you save may be your own!

How about tendinitis or a ruptured tendon? Peripheral neuropathy? Sudden change in blood sugar? Tinnitus? Floaters? Fibromyalgia? The list goes on - and on - and ON!

Or just use your search engine and enter 'fluoroquiolone'. And next time you're at your doctor's office, ask them how often they have prescribed Cipro; then ask if they know what signs to warn them of in case of an adverse reaction.

Vaccine Resource Information

1-27-11: More in from the Health Ranger. Although he comes across a little too candid, and sometimes opens his mouth before thinking (gee, I never did that..), many of the articles are well thought out and researched. Here's more on the Dr. Wakefield controversy:
Wakefield Research

1/24/11: Interesting article on link between SIDS and vaccinations.
6/3/10: Vitamin D has been scientifically proven to be five times more effective than vaccines at preventing influenza infections and without ANY complications or side effects. See double blind investigation. Note - these children were given only 1200 IU/day. When under stress, the body needs much more than this. It is quite suprising that the results were this good with these small amounts.
I try to take 10,000 IU/day, but sometimes forget, so I probably average 40,000 to 50,000 per week in the winter.

6/5/10: Once again, follow the BIG money to see WHO pulled some strings in the flu pandemic of 2009-2010. Will we fall for the same game in 2011?

4/11/10: Rotarix vaccine contamination.

4/11/10: Another voice in the wilderness: Doctors against vaccines.

4/?/09: Generation Rescue, Inc. Let's ignore these numbers OK?

4/10/10: Dr. Mercola interview with Dr. Wakefield on MMR shots, Bowel disease & autism.

Posted 4/5/10: Polish Health Minister Ewa Kopacz didn't fall for flu scam.

FDA info on Therosal content of vaccines (does not address other adjuvants such as squaline)

More on scam - Examiner

More goodies on vaccines - I'm trying to determine if this is real, not sure how I can actually do that. Deadly Immunity (part 1 of 3) Note -This only covers the thimerisol question - be sure to check Part II as well as Part III. Another admitidley biased source (willing to look at the evidence?) can be found here Put Children FIRST.

If the previous post (hep-b for newborns), makes you wonder about the motives of an industry protected from any kind of misconduct, guaranteed profits by laws they pushed into place, by pawns they placed in key positions - THEN here is a place to go where you can find out how to protect yourself and your child. State Vaccine Requirements Just scroll down and click on the state of interest. There you will find the requirements and the legal means to be exempt from those requirements.

And while we are on the subject, I've wondered why people are so paranoid about a few others in their midst who aren't 'fully vaccinated'. Like they are a time bomb waiting to explode or something. If vaccines are so great and do such a good job of protecting us from getting a disease, then they should be fully protected, right? So where is the problem?

More later.....

Organic Farming - Better Food

The quantity, quality, and diversity of nutrients in fruits and vegetables is directly related to the health benefits of those who eat them. The amount of these health promoting minerals and nutrients in our food are decreasing due to 'modern' farming methods.

Here are some related supporting documents: The Organic Center ; eartheasy ; msnbc ;

- under construction -

Hexavalent Chromium in your water supply

If you are one of the older generation, you may remember the movie Erin Brockovich staring Julia Roberts. It was about a little town just south of where I used to live - Hinckley, CA - that had twice the cancer rate of San Bernardino County. The problem was Hexavalent Chromium in the water supply that was causing the cancer. I'll not go over the movie, but its still a problem in spite of the popularity of the movie.
My attention was drawn to this by a recent study of 'Hexachrome' in city water supplies.
Here is a chart of what was found:

Wikipedia also gives an interesting post.
I think that is where I hunted down the chart.
Hinckley, CA had Hexachrome levels varying from 1.19 to 31.8 ppb (parts per billion).
The red vertical line is a proposed 'safe' level by the California EPA.
While poking around, I found the real Erin Brockovich is still fighting the battle.
And don't press the US EPA for any great wisdom. They have set a level of total chromium at 100 ppm and seem to be happy with that. And they don't seem to bother with the difference between the cancer causing hexavalent chromiun and the trivalent chromium essential for health. I've used it to reduce insulin resistance to ensure I am not one of those diabetes statistics.