
As scientific knowledge expands our understanding of the human body and how it not only functions but how it dysfunctions leads us to the realization that we are intricately interconnected to our environment. That environment is increasingly synthetic and plays havoc on our immune system as evidenced by a disproportionate increase in allergies.

Ten steps to reducing your allergies. Notice all the things to eliminate from your diet in step 4.

Exacerbating or mimicking allergies are the effects of toxic molds and fungi. An ideal incubation site for these are your sinuses. Antibiotics are not very effective against them and antihistamines frequently perpetuate the condition via the histamine rebound effect.

A very effective means of ridding yourself of these sinus invaders is the use of a neti pot to flush the sinuses with a saline base of distilled water (no chlorine or fluoride) combined with natural antibiotic/antiviral agents. I've found the following mixture gives me good results:

8 to 10 oz. of RO or distilled water.
1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of non-iodized natural sea salt without any additives (I've heard pickling salt also works - but haven't tried it).
1 to 2 drops of natural organic oil of oregano.
2 drops of grapefruit seed extract.
1 drop of pure tea tree oil (or Melaleuca T36-C5).

This solution lasts me several days. I warm it before use and put part of it in a neti pot (or other container of your choice). I flush once or twice three time a day until clear for a week, then use it every two or three days. Note: if you have a clay neti pot - warming it in a microwave may crack it (hmm - wonder how I figured that out!).

Another item that works well is Sinus Cleanser that does the same thing. But be aware that if you use it when you have a cold, it may become contaminated then becomes pretty useless, or worse, it may give you an infection of the same virus you are trying to clear out.

Natural nutrients are some of the most effective agents against molds, and fungus. For example, honey helps fight the effects of fungal mycotoxins in the intestinal tract: Substituting sugars with honey in processed food can inhibit the harmful and genotoxic (gene changing) effects of mycotoxins, and improve the gut microflora. Trip

Whereas high fructose corn syrup (found in abundance in most processed foods) and the corn from which it is processed is frequently contaminated with these and similar mycotoxins that cause liver damage and other human ailments. NCSU Also see Sweet.

So what do you do about those antihistamine drugs? You might want to try replacing them with a powerful natural one that is also a very powerful and a versatile anticancer flavonoid - Quercetin. It can be used to treat allergic reactions and sinusitis. At higher doses, it will lower elevated blood sugar, is a natural anti-inflammatory that inhibits the LOX enzyme. Take 1000mg three times a day. Lot's of articles.

More coming . . .

BigPharma - Did You Know?

More little tidbits about those folks that promise you health in a bottle . . .

12/29/08 - Nobel Prize tainted by BigPharma (Follow the $$ again).

Did you know if you are killed by a drug or medical device (even though faulty and/or they lied to the FDA during approval) you (well, your family) can't sue anyone? Thanks George (Bush)! NY Times & NY Times-2 & Natural News. So.... with that in mind, here is the latest from the FDA on drugs.

We can't get cheaper drugs from Canada - but where do those you pick up from your pharmacy come from??? Off Shore Drugs 'Freebies' in your Drugs'

Adverse side effects of drugs kill over 106,000/year in U.S. Full Article - Condensed .
So why do they tell us how many are killed in Iraq or Afghanistan on the daily news, but this goes virtually unreported? (Total of U.S. troops killed in Iraq since 2003 is ~4,000 that's only 3.8% of those killed by pharmaceuticals - in just ONE year!)

Iatrogenic - a big word (related to the above) to impress your friends.

Bored with your TV? Here - go watch the latest in Drug & Etc. recalls from the FDA

Poison Plastic

I've updated this post with the latest news (9/16/09) on Bisphenol A, or BPA. Since the health conscious have avoided it because of the greed connection to Big Bu$$ine$ and the all-to-easy approval of the FDA, I thought I'd include the latest news update showing the link between BPA and cardiovascular disease (heart), and diabetes. Check It Out.

Oh, and don't forget about Melamine - It is in candy and a lot of other stuff from China. Here is a tidbit from the FDA on a recent recall. Here is one from Mike Adams on Halloween Candy.

Melamine Updates: Who's next? Take a LOOK. And I bet this is the tip of the iceburg! Yep - More and. . . more, and more!

Heard of Bisphenol A? Its been in the news for awhile. It's supposed to be bad stuff that leaches out of those shiny plastic bottles you have around. Read After receiving assurances from the manufacturers, the FDA says it's OK. So in all fairness, you can go here and be reassured by the American Chemistry Council.

"The plastics that have the most BPA are those made of polycarbonate plastic -- they are usually rigid and transparent and used for toddler cups, baby bottles, food storage containers and water bottles. They are frequently marked on the bottom with the letters "PC" and the recycling number 7. Plastics with the recycling numbers 1, 2 and 4 on the bottom are better choices."

Another interesting development is the use of melamine in pet foods and infant formulas to falsely boost the apparent protein content. In pet food - more protein, more $$. Supposedly safe, it has been found that malamine in combination with other chemicals can be deadly. Who is pulling this trick? You guessed it - the Chinese! But it didn't take long for the U.S. pet food industry to catch on! So who is next?

If you can't go to sleep at night, there's lots of technospeak here at NIH. Basically it says "We aren't sure - and you all are the Guinea pigs!" Hmmmm - kinda sounds like the FDA. . .

You might also want to check out this site that tells what those little triangles on the bottom of all your plastics mean. Code Guide

Medical System - Shady beginnings of in U.S.

When did you see your doctor last or watch one of those drug commercials on TV (along with the 30 seconds of quietly delineating the dangerous side effects)? More than likely if you had any symptoms you were then given a list of drugs to go get. This is medicine by prescription: Column A = Symptom; Column B = Drug, etc. or medicine by commercial. Here is some interesting history on how our present day pill pushing medical system came to be. Follow the Money $$. Go HERE and scroll down to "How Now, Sacred Cow?". One need dabble only a short while until you run into the secret order of the Skull & Bones. Interesting videos, and the Bush family has a long association with this secret order - hmmm, that's interesting! It isn't suprising that U.S. presidents have selected 'Bonesmen' to head key positions in their cabinet.

Back to the mystery of who's behind the scene pulling the strings of our medical/pharmaceutical industry - if you want to spend an extensive afternoon or more you could try this rather extensive read: Griffin.

In summation, our modern medical $ystem is "Of the Rich, By the Rich, For the Rich". You think we will ever get a better system that won't bankrupt you if you have a major illness? I don't think so - you will have to move to another country for that! See my post on Medicine in Other Countries

Disruption of the species?

Recent studies show males of many species, not only humans, are not doing well in the polutant battle: "The environmental impacts of phthalates in plastic inhibit testosterone production and possibly may cause irregular genital development. Brominated flame-retardants may block the thyroid hormone critical to proper development of both the testes and the brain. University of Missouri professor, Dr. vom Saal, said, ‘This mishmash of synthetic hormones - leading to too much estrogen and too little testosterone and thyroid hormone - is making a mess of sexual development in males.’ He conducted studies relative to sperm health comparing various geographic locations. A markedly lower sperm count in males from farming areas verses urban areas suggests pesticides are to blame." Reference.

Medicine in Other Countries

Go see the link below and watch the video - it is a real eye-opener!

T.R. Reid - Sick Around The World - You HAVE to watch these videos! This guy goes to England, Japan, Germany, etc. (each clip is about 11 minutes - so you could catch one during the commercials for each half hour of TV you watch!). Just click on the part to the right of this Link that says 'Watch the Full Program Online'. It is a real eye-opener of how broke our sick care system really is! Thousands of people go bankrupt in this country from medical bills! When he asks doctors and administrators in these other countries how many people go broke there, they say "nobody! We've never heard of such a thing!" You might prefer to speed read this interview with T.R. Reid which gives a summary of the video program here.

An interesting discussion of the politics of medical care can also be found at Wikipedia.

But this will never happen in this country due to the power of the rich. The only thing that will happen will be to siphon more of your money to the rich who control the medical/pharmaceutical/chemical industries of the world. Also see Med Sys - Shady History

Heart - Irregular Rythms

Asking around, I've found many people have irregular heartbeats, or arrhythmia's in medical jargon. Wikipedia has a good page on it and tells about different types, etc. So what do you do if you have a recurrent irregular heart beat? Do nothing or 1. See the doc and take drugs; or 2. Take care of the deficiency that is causing it.

NOTE! At any rate, it is a good idea to see your doctor to determine what type you have, how serious it is, and what else may be a contributing factor (high blood pressure, electrolyte imbalance, diabetes, etc.). A doctor may want to put you on a Holter Monitor to look for more information. Your heart is not something you just want to stop on you!

1. Drugs - Any unnatural substance not normally found in the body that has side effects; often serious and unintended (USDA). The side effects then require another drug, etc., etc. There is also a problem with potentially serious hazards of using skin numbing products, also known as topical anesthetics, for relieving pain from mammography and other medical tests and conditions. FDA is concerned about the potential for these products to cause serious, life-threatening adverse effects, such as irregular heartbeat, seizures, breathing difficulties, coma and even death, when applied to a large area of skin or when the area of application is covered.

2. Natural supplements - Replacing what the body has lost through neglect, poor nutrition, or the effects of drugs (those unintended side effects) and antibiotics. It would be nice if we could get it from our foods, but that's getting harder and harder.

I will leave #1 up to the doctors - that is what they are trained for and best at; but personally, I like to try #2 first. For a doctor, I would recommend finding a Fellow of the American Academy of Cardiologists - F.A.C.C.

#2. Here are commonly recognized deficiencies that lead to heart arrhythmia's or irregular heart beats and some ways to address those deficiencies:

A. Coenzyme Q-10, or simply CoQ10, is normally synthesized by your body and is used in the production of energy. The ability to make CoQ10 lessens with age as well as taking certain medications. There are no known side effects of supplementing with CoQ10 that I'm aware of.
Dr. Steven Sinatra recommends 60 to 120 mg/day as a protective measure and 180-360 mg/day for those with arrhythmia, angina pectoris, high blood pressure, gum disease, or for those taking statin or beta blocker drugs. Vegetarians are also likely to be low. See Book

B. L-Carnitine is also used in cells to produce energy. The synergistic effect of supplementing with both L-Carnitine and CoQ10 together may do more than either alone. Due to this combined effect, some supplement manufacturers combine the two.

C. Magnesium. Since it is estimated that over half of Americans are deficient in this mineral, it's a good idea to get more anyway. Soaking in a warm tub with Epsom salts or soaking your feet in a foot bath of Epsom salts is a good way to get magnesium into your system. You see, if you are low on magnesium, absorption in the GI tract is compromised. I've found topical application using a gel is also helpful. Magnesium deficiency can result in spasms, cramps, arrhythmias, tics, premenstrual difficulties, and even sudden cardiac death.

D. Fish Oil. Fish oil contains both DHA and EPA; Studies of several societies with low cardiovascular disease show the beneficial effect of these substances. A comprehensive treatment of arrhythmias should include 1g/day of high quality, heavy metal free, omega-3 fish oil. It even comes in flavors or gelcaps. Included in treatments recommended by the ACC.

E. Vitamin D. Although not directly associated with arrhythmias, it is vital for general heart health. Vitamin D is not just another vitamin it is a precursor to a hormone, and this prehormone is responsible for making a very important regulator of cardiovascular processes. Vitamin D deficiency activates the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and can predispose to hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy. Additionally, vitamin D deficiency causes an increase in parathyroid hormone, which increases insulin resistance and is associated with diabetes, hypertension, inflammation, and increased cardiovascular risk. See JACC, and U.S. News

Other interesting and related articles: PeaceHealth, Toxicity (scroll towards bottom of article), RevolutionHealth.

Non-Stick Toxicity

Looks like this will be a 'work in progress'. There appear to be a lot of problems with C8, or Perfluorooctanoic acid. It shows up not only in 'Teflon' items but stain resistant fabrics & rugs, Gortex, food containers, and other places I was certainly not aware of.

One problem is the stuff doesn't biodegrade - EVER. Evidence is coming forth that it isn't good for us: Low birth weight, thyroid irregularities, immune system problems, and even urinary tract problems seem to be just a few.

DuPont has been fined heavily for their cover up - another 'profit at any human cost' story it looks like.

References: Wikipedia EWG Mercola (and safe cookware) See also Ceramcor

Stay tuned for updates . . . . .

More on MSG

That label doesn't say "Mono Sodium Glutamate"? Where else is it hiding in that arm length list of ingredients?

I'm not going to rehash what has been published in a thousand places, so here are some interesting links:

Angela's blog - a good section on hidden MSG.

The Master List - want to become a fanatic - check this one out!

BigGov says MSG is good stuff, don't worry - be happy!

Wynn Matthews list from Dr. Blaylock's book