Sodium Fluoride Drops for Infants - research

Some dentists and pediatritions are prescribing sodium fluoride drops for infants - why?!
1. Presentation against fluoride in drinking water, Austin, TX (21 Mar 2011).
2. Natural Dentistry advice.
3. Scientists and Professionals against fluoridation due to adverse biological effects.
4. Fluoride results in better teeth - ops, maybe not.
5. Fluoride layer so thin that protection is questioned (PubMed 21 Dec 2010).
6. For The Record - The ADA recommendations.

Vaccine Update (again)

In many countries, government officials and drug companies aggressively resist conducting studies that compare the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated children. But such studies have been conducted in Africa.

One such study, from Guinea-Bissau, shows a doubling of the mortality rate among infants vaccinated with a single dose of DTP vaccine. The mortality rate more than quadrupled after the second and third dose.

Ignore the data, if the fox (BigPharma) says everything is fine in the hen house, it must be!
Vaccination Study

Premature Birth Drug - FDA helps again

A drug which the FDA approved more than half a century ago—which doctors have been prescribing for their patients with high-risk pregnancies through compounding pharmacies with great success—was designated by the FDA an “orphan drug.” Now KV Pharmaceutical has been given the exclusive right of production and sale (not to mention drug trial tax breaks!). They immediately raised the price from $10 per dose to $1,500—simply because they could.
See Details.

Midwifery/Natural Birthing/Diapers

I really don't remember how I got off on this subject, but with all the dangerous and often unnecessary interventions now used in hospital births, I thought it would be good to include some information on alternatives.

Interesting Midwife site. Midwife Certification. Find a Midwife.

Diapers - What's this doing here?! How do you 'do' diapers? Disposables right? And what do you put the disposables in when done? Any idea the effect these have on the environment; how long this toxic mess takes to disentigrate?! (some of it doesn't). Of equal concern is what do these disposables do to your baby?
If you are the typical 'modern' mom - you really don't want to consider this, but there are some alternatives to disposables. Here is one of many online resources: Diapers

Here is a throw-in from the Environmental Working Group:
(This is not an endorsement of these products - make up your own mind)
EWG's baby gift list (links to
Glass baby bottles
If you need to use plastic, buy BPA-free baby bottles
A natural wood, unpainted rattle
Chlorine-free disposable diapers or cloth diapers
Your favorite baby book -- in cardboard or wood (Alex is partial to Dr. Seuss!)
Organic cotton onesies

Diabetes and Insulin Resistance

Although I've run across a lot of literature and information on the Internet on this subject, I've not posted anything here.

Since it is becoming epidemic I think I will spend a little time investigating natural cures and pharmaceutical drug dangers.

A start:

Jon Barron on diabetes.

Here is a LONG list of articles addressing various issues relating to diabetes. (Note, you may have to register for this site - it's a pain, but I've found the site safe and worth it.).

Oh, by the way, if your doctor has recently put you on statin drugs, hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) is a frequent side effect!

A short summary is: Cut out sugar, particularly soda!! Diet, low calorie, fat free, etc., cut ALL pop and soda out of your diet. Try water. Next, cut back on processed foods [hint - it comes in a package and has more than 5 items listed on the ingredients label - most of which you can't pronounce!]; along with this, cut out processed carbohydrates, better known as junk snack food. Consider increasing your vitamin D3 intake and thiamine (a B-vitamin). Become very conscious of labels and read them - this takes some patience and study to get smart. DON'T get sucked into buying stuff just because it says "Fat Free", 'Low Calorie", or "Lite". These will sabotage your weight control every time! See my post on how to get fat.


Does your doc say you need to lower your cholesterol? And here's just the drug for it?
You may want to investigate the side effects of those drugs including the fact statin drugs (and others), block the same mechanism whereby your body makes coenzyme Q-10. Don't know what that is? Find out - your life depends on it!

Next here are some links that refute the whole cholesterol/cardio link. But research carefully, as there are many other factors that relate to heart disease.

THINCS - Note: This site is a little tedious to navigate, but don't give up.

Health Journal - He IS a doctor and almost always has something interesting to say; plus he isn't selling anything!

Also look on this Blog for information on Statin Drugs:
Statin Drugs - Updates
Statin Drugs - Muscle Problems
Statin Drugs - Or Niacin
Here is an OLD article on the ineffectiveness of Vytorin and Zetia in particular.

An interesting book to read on the subject is "The great American Heart Hoax" by Michael Ozner. You might try your local library. [ISBN: 9781933771540

Comments are welcome by the way.....

Harbin Ice and Snow Festival

I got sidetracked on this one. Someone sent me a power point show of the Harbin, China Ice and Snow Festival. Here is the link to a photographer with beautiful work - and it includes several of the Harbin festivals - Enjoy! You might want to explore some of his other photo's.

Here is a 2010 update from the Boston Globe.

Bone Density/Ostioporosis Drugs and Osteonecrosis

This is a placekeeper for further investigation - I gotta keep it somewhere!

Osteoporosis drugs such as Fosamax, Boniva, and Actonel are now being linked to osteonecrosis (bone death) in the jaw according to a new study by the University of Southern California's School of Dentistry.

The study's findings

According to a study by the University of Southern California's School of Dentistry (USCD), osteoporosis (a bone disease that leads to an increased risk of fracture) drugs such as Fosamax, Boniva and Actonel that are prescribed to nearly 30 million Americans each year may be the cause of jaw bone death, or osteonecrosis. The drugs, also known as bisphoshonates, became part of a USCD study after patients taking the drugs started showing unusual jaw infections.

According to an article in Science Daily ( and the April issue of the Journal of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery (, the USCD looked at microbial biofilms (which relates to bacteria) in the bones of patients taking these drugs and found a correlation between the drugs and jaw bone disorders.

Bisphosphonate manufacturers

The following companies manufacturer bisphosphonates:

•Fosamax - manufactured by Merck & Company.
•Boniva - manufactured by Roche and GlaxoSmithKline and made popular due to its celebrity endorser, Sally Field
•Actonel - manufactured by Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals and Sanofi Pharmaceuticals.
•Skelid - manufactured by Sanofi Pharmaceuticals
•Didronel - manufactured by Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals
•Reclast and Zometa - manufactured by Novartis Pharmaceuticals
What is Osteonecrosis?

Osteonocrosis is bone death resulting from poor blood supply to an area of bone. Often known as jaw death, it is a condition that has been linked to patients on bisphosphonate therapy and may also result in pain, swelling, infection of soft tissue, drainage, loosening of teeth, exposed bone, numbness, and heaviness of the jaw. The U.S. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and pharmaceutical giant Novartis, warned dental professionals in 2004 about a possible link to osteonecrosis and bisphosphonates over Novartis's drug Aredia which is no longer available to U.S. consumers.