Blood Glucose Are standards outdated?

As the typical physician is overwhelmed with patients and the US SickCare system encourages over prescription of drugs, it is harder and harder to get 'real' numbers out of the system as to what is good for our health, not only what is considered the threshold for 'sick'.  I'm trying to hunt down more on blood glucose levels, what they mean to your health and what can be done naturally to better ones health.
"Are We All Pre-Diabetic?"    (conflict of interest since they are selling something?

Human Digestive Tract and Transit Time

Maybe a strange topic, but green stools is an indication of abnormally short transit time as bile starts out green, then turns darker and darker as it transits the intestinal tract; hence, if stools are green that means it hasn't been through all the processes and may be an indication of malabsorbtion or other serious problems.

Green eggs and ham may be another story as it may be caused by the green dye; same with other things using green dye such as cake frosting, etc.

Here is an interesting chart of transit time.


I became interested in medicinal mushrooms about 4 years ago and started this post back then.  I've just added a considerable amount - particularly as these mushrooms relate to cancer.
Sorry if it's a little disorganized - that seems to be the way research goes.

Still Under Construction

Reishi Mushroom: Good Site #1

Good read here on research in England and New Zealand. 

35 medicinal qualities.  Each is unique, but a combination has been reported to be most beneficial.
Here is a good paper on 7 medicinal mushrooms.

Maitake mushroom: beta glucans, etc.

Shitake Mushroom: Eastern medicine - Live energy - Iron, B1, B2, B3, essential amino acids, Vit-D, increases T-cells, killer cells.  Contains an alpha glucan useful in fighting cancer.  In twelve studies on humans, those taking shitake mushrooms lived longer, had a better quality of life, and lower cancer reoccurance rates.

Reishi:  Anciently, only the chinese emporer was allowed to have.  The ultimate herbal item.  Useful in hormone driven cancers. Also contains ganoderic acid and has been used for thousands of years in herbal remedies to promote immune function.  Reported to prevent metastasis and prevents the growth of new blood vessels to feed tumor growth (antiangiogenesis).

ABM or Agaricus Blazei Murrill mushroom.  See Ref-1
Approved as a cancer drug in both Japan and Brazil - it has been found useful in combatting all types of cancers.  Contains agaritan among a host of other health promothing substances.  See Wikipedia and Euro-Med and Starfish

Discovery of AbM
The Agaricus blazei Murrill (AbM) mushroom, a Basidiomycete fungus, is native to the Atlantic Rainforest region in southeastern Brazil , where it has been part of the regular diet of the residents of the area for many generations. Researchers in the late sixties discovered a very low incidence of chronic illness, among the local people, such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and heart disease. This discovery led them to believe the AbM mushroom was a contributing factor. AbM mushroom samples were sent to the Pharmacological Department at Tokyo University and the National Cancer Center in Japan , for further evaluation and to establish its effect on cancer. The research primarily focused on the anti-tumor properties of the beta-glucans found in the AbM mushroom and its pharmacological effects. The positive results of the research were presented at the Japan Pharmacological Association and the Japan Cancer Association in 1970 . *1

AbM Nutritional Composition
AbM mushroom food supplements are a nutritionally well balanced valuable health food. The mushroom contains valuable ingredients, such as essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, vegetable proteins, anti-oxidants, enzymes, dietary crude fibers, natural sterols, Triterpenes, Saponins and polysaccharides which stimulate the immune system. The AbM mushroom consists of a total of 192 nutrients. AbM mushroom have no known side effects and toxicity studies have confirmed its safety. *2 Hence, for many years, AbM is used in hospitals as adjunct nutritional therapy for cancer patients in Brazil , Europe , Japan and other Asian countries. It is the most widely used medicinal mushroom for health maintenance, prevention and for adjunct treatments for a wide range of health concerns.

Another important component in AbM is Ergosterol, a natural anti-angiogenesis substance shown to inhibit the production of substances that originate in the tumor . These properties stimulate neogenesis of the capillaries. By inhibiting the growth of the tumor through the circulatory system, it becomes smaller in size and consequently more responsive to chemotherapy and surgery. Ergosterol combined with Beta-D-Glucan account for innumerable successful therapies, such as, immunotherapy . AbM also has the highest levels of Ergosterol compared to other mushrooms .  Other tumor fighting components found in the AbM mushroom are: xyloglucan, acid heteroglucan, ribonucleic acid protein compounds and lectin, which augment macrophage activity.

Health Benefits.  Over 40 years of research worldwide suggest that the AbM mushroom may have the following health benefits:
Boost immune system
Modulate blood sugar levels
Helps boost and modulate immune system
Modulate blood pressure
Modulate blood sugar levels
Cholesterol Modulator
Cardio Vascular support
Digestive Support
Adjunct to chemotherapy and/or radiation treatments
Liver and kidney tonic
May be helpful for auto-immune disorders

HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup) Updates

4/12/12: The High Fructose Corn Syrup - Cancer Connection.

12-28-11: More junk to go along with the HFCS - Mercury.  The corn growers association refutes this information, so indeed it could be a bad study skewed sideways - seems there are truth stretchers on both sides?
"The presence of mercury in processed HFCS was first revealed through the results of two little-known U.S. studies. Researchers from the two studies reported that about half of tested samples of HFCS contained mercury, a substance known to wreak havoc on the nervous system, neurological function, and overall biological function. Even more concerning is the fact that mercury was found in nearly one third of 55 popular brand-name food and beverage items, which listed HFCS as the first-or-second-highest labeled ingredient. Of course these are only a sampling of popular products containing HFCS as a main ingredient, and it is a significant challenge to find processed food brands that do not contain HFCS as a major ingredient."

1-22-2011: A little history on HFCS. We really didn't have the stuff around until 1980. Now, its in everything (check labels folks). The rea$on$ for it'$ great $ucce$$? Follow the money!

Infertility and HFCS - The great American die-off.

The great hoax: HFCS is one of the greatest boons to mankind, and is a natural product. Go see what the manufacturers say. (follow the money?)

Of course there are always the naysayers who want to ruin a $weet thing - so if you are fat, can't get it off, and can't figure out why, check your labels and read this from Princeton University.

Then there is this highly suspect related story. Nah - can't be! BNET