Licorice and glycyrrhizin

Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra), or Sweet Root, has been used in both Eastern and Western medicine to treat a variety of illnesses.  It has also been used as a sweetener as it is about 50 times sweeter than sugar.

Studies on glycyrrhizin have shown it to be superior to common drugs in treating such deadly infections as SARS (Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and other lethal viruses as well as influenza.  A group of German researchers found, "We assessed the antiviral potential of the pharmaceutical drugs ribavirin, 6-azauridine, pyrazofurin, mycophenolic acid, and the natural substance glycyrrhizin against two clinical isolates of coronavirus (FFM-1 and FFM-2) from patients with SARS admitted to the clinical centre of Frankfurt University, Germany. Of all the compounds, glycyrrhizin was the most active in inhibiting replication of the SARS-associated virus. Source Info.

Though your highly educated physician is not likely to know anything about it, glycyrrhizin is one of the most potent antiviral compounds ever studied.  Why don't they have a clue?  It's a naturally occuring substance and is not patentable (no money), so it does not have the backing of BigPharma.

Another study suggests it may be effective for burn victums who are at high risk of getting antibiotic resistant infections (Pseudomonas aeruginosa).  The study mentioned that it could have implications for people with cystic fibrosis, who can develop Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections in their lungs.

Caution: If you are already on a bunch of meds, or have certain conditions, don't take licorice or glycyrrhizin without consulting a knowlegeable naturopath who is familiar with its use and potential side effects.

More later?

Pink Slime, the new hamburger filler

It's getting harder and harder to eat well.  The meat industry has been using something now called - PINK SLIME or LFTB (Lean Finely Textured Beef).  Don't be fooled by the name - basically it's all the junk from the animal that used to be discarded as waste, called 'slaughterhouse scraps'.  This formulation is used as a filler to dilute and pollute (even more) the hamburger you get at restaurants, fast food chains and your local grocery store.  But don't worry, it doesn't have any diseases in it because it has been amoniated to kill anything that lives.  Wikipedia has a good description of all this.  The public outcry over this stuff will likely result in a lot of lost jobs and some shutdown factories: See USA-Today (3/28/12).

Now some politicians are calling for a congressional hearing to investigate what happened that common people, not them, have power. 

More to come I'm sure!

Fluoride - Updates

4/16/12:  Why does your toothpaste have a warning but not your tap water?  Lots of interesting info here.

4/12/12: Fluoride effects on the Pineal gland related to Alzheimer Disease, Bipolar Disease, Circadian Dysregulation, Hormone Imbalances, Low Melatonin, Insomnia, Low Back Pain, Parkinson Disease, Schizophrenia, Sleep Disorders, Stroke.

Having forgotten some of the research I'd done on fluoride/fluoridation/fluoride drugs, I dropped by the library and checked out a few books - some new, some old.  I found some interesting research findings I'd not known or had forgotten.

1.  There is much more to discuss about water fluoridation than what you drink.  One factor not often discussed is absorption through the skin.  In this article there are multiple scientists who have concluded that absorption via ingestion is less than through the skin when taking a shower or bath.  The effects of Sodium Laurel Sulfate  (SLS) are also mentioned.  Quickie

2.  Dangers of fluoride drugs.  Linked to Thicker Arteries.  Prozac (and look-alikes) 49 Page Book, Index of fluorinated pharmaceuticals, site with easy links; lots of links and connection between fluorine and thyroid related problems. 

3.  Fluoroquinolone drugs can really take a toll on your digestive tract!  The next time that a doctor recommends Cipro, Levaquin, Avelox or any other Quinolone or Fluoroquinolone antibiotic be sure to consider whether the risk of contracting a permanently disabling side effect such as tendon rupture, severe digestive tract damage or Fibromyalgia-like symptoms is worth it.  See NN

Antipsychotic Drugs May Not Be Appropriate for Dementia Patients

Antipsychotics death risk charted in dementia patients:  See Article

Often times antipsychotic drugs are prescribed off-label for Dementia. Beware!

Olive Oil, Get the Real Stuff

The University of California, Davis published a report on olive oil back in 2010 entitled Tests indicate that imported 'extra virgin' olive oil often fails international and USDA standards. In this report, researchers found that 69 percent of imported and ten percent of California-based oils labeled as olive oil did not pass International Olive Council (IOC) and US Department of Agriculture sensory standards for extra virgin olive oil.

Of those brands tested, the following failed to meet extra-virgin olive oil standards:

• Bertolli
• Carapelli
• Filippo Berio
• Mazzola
• Mezzetta
• Newman's Own
• Pompeian
• Rachel Ray
• Safeway
• Star
• Whole Foods

The following brands were found to meet extra-virgin olive oil standards as part of the study:

• Corto Olive
• California Olive Ranch
• Kirkland Organic
• Lucero (Ascolano)
• McEvoy Ranch Organic

Be sure to avoid any olive oil labeled as "light," as these are the lowest quality olive oils available. Also, be sure to choose either California-based olive oils, the vast majority of which are legitimate, or imported olive oils certified by IOC.

Sources for this article include: UC Davis; NY Times, NPR; NaturalNews

Antibiotic indiscriminant use is killing us

Drug-Resistant Staph Linked to Animal Antibiotics

Vaccines Some Good Questions

Under Construction

A new Review with some good Questions  Also see the more than 400 comments raised by this article.  The debate certainly continues!

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