Diabetes and Insulin Resistance

Although I've run across a lot of literature and information on the Internet on this subject, I've not posted anything here.

Since it is becoming epidemic I think I will spend a little time investigating natural cures and pharmaceutical drug dangers.

A start:

Jon Barron on diabetes.

Here is a LONG list of articles addressing various issues relating to diabetes. (Note, you may have to register for this site - it's a pain, but I've found the site safe and worth it.).

Oh, by the way, if your doctor has recently put you on statin drugs, hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) is a frequent side effect!

A short summary is: Cut out sugar, particularly soda!! Diet, low calorie, fat free, etc., cut ALL pop and soda out of your diet. Try water. Next, cut back on processed foods [hint - it comes in a package and has more than 5 items listed on the ingredients label - most of which you can't pronounce!]; along with this, cut out processed carbohydrates, better known as junk snack food. Consider increasing your vitamin D3 intake and thiamine (a B-vitamin). Become very conscious of labels and read them - this takes some patience and study to get smart. DON'T get sucked into buying stuff just because it says "Fat Free", 'Low Calorie", or "Lite". These will sabotage your weight control every time! See my post on how to get fat.

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