Fructose - update - how to get FAT

This will change your life. Want to get fat? Eat more fat - right? WRONG! Eat FRUCTOSE! Whether it is high fructose corn syrup, or apple juice, or . . . . . almost any low fat packaged food. Look on the label - low fat -> hi sugar! Usually in the form of fructose. Also watch out for sugar substitutes - especially Aspartame!

Do you really believe calories in = calories burned + fat stored. Which means eat less and exercise more and you will lose weight. Does it work? Look around you - that's the story all the overweight people around you have swallowed. If it works why is the U.S. one of the most obese nations on earth? What is your experience?!

So do not watch any TV today and watch THIS
(WARNING - it takes 90 minutes - no commercials) and don't worry about all the technical, but informative, explanations - just listen for the message. And change your lifestyle for the better.

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