A German Perspective on Vaccines

Since doubleblind studies have never been done comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated people, a German undertook the task on a less rigorous level.  The results are as follows:

.                           Prevalence in                Prevalence in
.      Condition        Vaccinated Children       Nonvaccinated children

.    Alergies                  40%                          Less Than 10%
.    Asthma                    6%                             2.5%
.    Hay Fever               10.7%                           2.5%
.                                of German Children
.    Neurodermatitis       13%                             7%
.    ADHD                  8% of German children,     1-2%
.                              and another nearly 6%
.                              with borderline cases
.    Middle ear           11% of German              < 0.5% 
.         infections         Children
.    Sinusitis             Over 32% of                   <  1% 
.                            German children
.    Autism                Approx. 1 in 100             Only 4 cases out of
.                                                            7,800+ surveys   (one
.                                                         child tested very high for metals,
.                                                         and another's mother tested
.                                                         very high for mercury) 

Visit Vaccine Injury Info Website

Sick by Injection

It is a shame the vaccine controversy has become so polarized!  To protect profits the pharmaceutical companies have taken the hard line that they are GOD and can do no harm; and just to get the point across they have insured their own immunity from legal action as they knowingly or ignorantly administer their unproven cocktails.  Such broad, across-the-board granting of power to any entity certainly begs for and has resulted in widespread abuse and greed.  Here is a taste of the Police State In Action.

Here is a quote from the linked document: "Federal officials vaccinated 40 million Americans during a national campaign. A pandemic never materialized, but thousands who got the shots filed injury claims, as they contracted a paralyzing condition called Guillain-Barre Syndrome or other side effects. At least 25 people died after receiving the vaccine and 500 developed Guillain-Barre syndrome, an inflammation of the nervous system which can cause paralysis and be fatal.  In the end, the 1976 Swine Flu vaccine proved far worse than the disease. This time, the government has taken steps to prevent any possible legal remedy should thousands of US citizens suffer severe complications as a result of being given untested vaccines."
Update (2-28-12):  A recent Danish study linked flu vaccine to narcolepsy and death in high risk patients.  Another Vaccine Failure

It should also be noted that studies supporting the efficacy of vaccines are done by the pharmaceutical companies selling them.  This is a huge conflict of interests and close examination shows these studies to be of very poor quality and often use questionable methods to reach predefined conclusions.
Often studies cited as references showing benefits of vaccines are themselves the same old often repeated low quality, questionable studies.

Another fallacy is that of "Herd Immunity".  To trust your health and well being to these multi billion dollar companies with carte Blanche privileges is not only naive but foolish.
How many forms do you have to sign when going in to the doctor's office? Here is one you can have him/her sign before giving vaccinations. It makes for interesting reading anyway!

Update (2/29/12) The push is on to give boys and men the HPV $hot! Get it from Merck

Are you female, worried about HPV and cervical cancer? See post on HPV
If not, you haven't watched enough commercials! Put your trust in BigPharma!

UPDATE: Vaccination and autism - BigPharma and BigGov say no way! You may find THIS interesting.

or. . .Before you run out and get the latest Merck 'snake oil' check out the Big-Sell on junk shots:

Gardasil (scroll down towards bottom and see how to reduce your risks to Zero - Naturally)

or WOW! I wonder why they put all the Big Buck$ into this site?! Merck

Lazy, reading too tedious? try YouTube

Sugar isn't what it used to be.

Work in progress

As a general principle - Look At Labels!  If the ingredient list has sugar (in any form) as the 1st item, or 2nd +5th +8th+etc., PUT IT BACK! 
Look at the nutritional information, if sugar is 30% or more (you have to do a little mental math - look at the grams of sugar vs the grams/serving).  If you aren't intentionally buying sugar, then PUT IT BACK! 
If it says 'lite' or 'Low Fat' check out how much sugar it has - sugar is converted into fat by the liver!  Fooled you didn't they?

Sugar - The good old standby sweetener!  well . . . . not any more.  Where does that sugar come from?  How about sugar beets?   Most sugar beets are now genetically modified without any long term testing of what our bodies do with something that isn't 'quite right'.  There is more and more evidence indicating bad reactions to these 'tweeked genes'.  Not only by our bodies but also mother earth.  One study shows dramatic effects on the nutritional 'health' of the soil after planting GM crops and free reign use of glyphosate or BT crops. (add references)
Work in progress

Artificial Sweetener$

Here is a rundown of the common alternative sweeteners to sugar.  Also see my post on Fake Honey

Sucralose UPDATE (2/23/12) Splenda Essentials - latest tweeking by the spin masters!

Sucralose (Splenda): Made from sucrose (sugar) by chemically changing the structure of the sugar molecules by substituting three chlorine atoms for three hydroxyl groups. Although the manufacturer claims this artificial sweetener is not absorbed and is passed through the digestive system unchanged, but according to the FDA's "Final Rule" report, 11% to 27% of sucralose is absorbed in humans, and the rest is excreted unchanged in feces. According to the Japanese Food Sanitation Council, as much as 40% of ingested sucralose is absorbed.
About 20% to 30% of absorbed sucralose is metabolized. Both the metabolites and unchanged absorbed sucralose are excreted in urine. The absorbed sucralose has been found to concentrate in the liver, kidney, and gastrointestinal tract. According to The Sucralose Toxicity Information Center, sucralose is broken down "into small amounts of 1,6-dichlorofructose, a chemical which has not been adequtely tested in humans.
Research in animals has shown that sucralose can cause many problems in rats, mice, and rabbits, such as:

Shrunken thymus glands (up to 40% shrinkage)
Enlarged liver and kidneys.
Atrophy of lymph follicles in the spleen and thymus
Increased cecal weight
Reduced growth rate
Decreased red blood cell count
Hyperplasia of the pelvis
Extension of the pregnancy period
Aborted pregnancy
Decreased fetal body weights and placental weights
See: Loren
I don't know about you, but if somebody lies about something I'm going to be putting into my body, I'm NOT going to be using it!
Here is a fairly good site MedicineNet that gives a rather comprehensive rundown. The trouble with these and other food additives is the accumulative and long term side effects. And neither you nor your doctor is likely to associate your problems with these additives. So you end up with a drug to treat the symptoms. Since it does nothing to treat the cause, you end up with more symptoms (from the drug) and get more drugs to treat those symptoms. Does it work? Yea - for the pharmaceutical companies! Follow the money!

  The battle continues on Stevia. [Interesting update on Stevia] The sweetener taken from the whole plant has been used in native cultures for hundreds of years without problem. But, the FDA has determined it is not safe as a food additive and has banned its use. Then they turn around and approve two stevia derivatives as GRAS (generally regarded as safe): Truvia and PureVia patented respectively by Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, those two world renowned health food companies! Both of these seem to rely on the extract rebiana for its sweetness. It seems to be just another story of 'follow the money' as to how these lucrative sweeteners (they're patented) got a GRAS rating but the natural sweetener did not! So you all are the mice in this experiment!

The big thing about artificial sweeteners is to cut down on the calories associated with sugar. So how come we keep getting fatter? There is a lot of controversy over these chemical demons. Many nutritionists have concluded that its best to stick with natural and avoid the fake stuff.

Aspartame approved based on falsified reports. FDA

Aspartame is really good - if you want a lot of health problems. Click HERE for more sites and info.  
Update (3/17/12) Brain Tumors & Siezures.
Update (3/2/12) Aspartame Withdrawal.
How do you come down with cancer? One theory is that the DNA of normal cells gets changed so they become cancerous. Formaldehyde, one of the breakdown components of aspartame or aspartate, attaches to DNA nucleotides and results in serious strand breaks leading to cancer. This substance builds up in cells and is hard to remove so it keeps working long after you've taken it! The problem labeling substances as carcinogens (cancer causing) is that it often takes 4, 8, or 10 years or more for the cumulative effects of DNA breakdown to result in cancer - and is highly dependant upon the strength of your DNA repair mechanisms.

Saccharin - linked to bladder and other cancers? See -  Sherpa  This was where Monsanto got it's start in the early 1900's (selling it to Coca Cola - great bed fellows!).  Before it went on to poison the earth with PCB's; but that's another story...

Me? I'll just stick to whole fruits, grains, veggies, and maybe a little honey. It's just hard to improve on mother nature.

Sorbitol - Here is an interesting reference linking sorbitol to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Xylitol seems to be good at cutting cavities (much better than fluoride!). I've been using it instead of toothpaste and it works great! I don't use it in food or drinks instead of sugar because I'm trying to cut out all sugar anyway!

CAUTION - Xylitol causes dogs to over-secrete insulin thus drastically lowering their blood sugar, causing liver damage and death - so keep anything with Xylitol out of reach of your pooch! Due to differences in metabolism, this doesn't occur in humans. Just search the Internet with "dogs Xylitol".

And where is the FDA while we are being poisoned? FTM! (follow the money)

Prolotherapy and PRP

Update: The original post was in 2008, since then a lot has happened.  The latest advancement to Prolotherapy is the incorporation of Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy.

This is amazing stuff! I speak from experience. I didn't want this little known treatment to get lost, so I made a separate post. To find out more, go see my post entitled "In Pain?" Its all there.

Here are some decent links that can give you information on Prolotherapy. But please note, this is considered an alternative treatment and is often not paid for by insurance. But it worked 100% for me and cost less than my share of the insurance if I had back surgery; was much less invasive, no recovery time, no hospital stay, well, I could go on, but most of all - very little risk!
Caring Medical - go here and look under Prolotherapy; go explore!
GetProlo - Very rich resource - even find a doctor in your area!
Dr. Darrow - This facility is the one I went to; it changed my life overnight.

My experience and investigation says don't let them touch your back until you have explored this!

The American (USA) Medical $ystem - Di$ea$e for Profit

As the Washington circus continues to grow and Obamacare looms ever menacingly all around us (Death By Medicine), I can't help but comment on sickcare in this country.  Time and again I see our medical system little more than a money mill for ignorant doctors and drug pushing pharmaceutical companies.  I grant a partial exemption for acute care however; they do a pretty good job of taking care of traumatic accident victims, although again, the overuse of worse than useless drugs in the rehabilitation of patients is appalling.  My heart does go out to anyone in the system who has been mis-educated by BigPharma and is caught up in prescribing, dispensing, and using, and supporting the thousands of drugs that are ruining the future of this nation.  Medical Costs (caution - look here to see who's who on this site)
More on BigPharma in Education

Any attempt by Washington or state bureaucrats to further extend the coverage and tentacles of this corrupt system are like giving protection money to the mafia - it fills the pockets of the greedy at the expense of the rest of us.  Unless a major change is made in the drug pushing, pharmaceutical run sickcare system we are under, there will be little change in the horrible statistics piled up each year on all fronts relating to 'health' in this country.

Every time I hear the scapegoat of 'genetics' used to explain diseases and maladies that are becoming epidemic in our society the term epigenetics ecoes ever louder in my brain.

Here is a link to a fairly good overvue of the situation, although quite outdated:  LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH 

Health results when we eat, breath, and work in a healthy way.  Sickness results when we stray from that.  A return to health does not come by loading up on drugs that treat symptoms bur rather by returning to (or adopting for the 1st time) healthy practices.  If you can, please see the documentary "Forks Over Knives" on Netflix if you have it, or get it from Amazon or other outlets.


A remedy that has worked well for me to stop and prevent dandruff is to work a few drops of coconut oil into my scalp (you can buy coconut oil that doesn't have the coconut aroma if you prefer).  Organic and cold pressed is best.  Once or twice a week works well for me.  Rinsing daily keeps my hair clean (no shampoo or soap - just warm water).

No Grains in Diet; 2nd Thoughts

There is a lot of hype about excluding all grains from your diet these days.  Here is a more balanced look:  NO GRAINS?

Breast Cancer and all things related

How does wearing a bra relate to breast cancer in women?  Decide for yourself:  BRA's & CANCER 

Another issue related to female hormone balance and abnormalities in breast tissue is low progesterin and high estrogen caused by the overload of estrogen like substances in our poluted environment.  All these 'xenoestrogens' are thought to contribute to both ovarian and breast cysts.

I'm looking for some good sites on the subject so this is another 'under construction' post.

1.  Natural Progesterone
2.  Cause of Ovarian Cysts 101  (Complicated, well documented, not well organized).  Explore side links at this site too.
3.  PCOS and Ovarian Cysts    looks promising...
4.  Cosmetics with estrogen mimicking properties (or worse!) Masquerade
5.  Sunscreens
6.  Estrogenic herbs promote or produce estrus. Herbs with estrogenic properties include blue cohosh, dong quai, false unicorn, fennel and licorice.
7.  Progesterone Support in Pregnancy. (NaPro)
8.  A good book to read from your library (or book dealer): Hormone Balance by Carolyn Dean, MD, ND.

Estrogen blocking herb - One of the most effective estrogen-blocking herbs is called puerarin, which is from Thailand. See Puerarin , also a possible herb in the treatment of endometriosis.  Not sure about this - - -

Fake Honey

The FDA says that if 'honey' doesn't contain any pollen, then it isn't honey.  Apparently if it contains pollen it can also be analyzed to find out where it came from.  Well, guess who doesn't want you to know where it came from?  And all big chain grocery stores carry only this fake honey!  I find this very disturbing!  This fake honey may be made up of all kinds of stuff that have no association with real bee honey!!

High Pressure Processing

High Pressure Processing (50,000 to 85,000 psi)has been around for some time but there are some new innovations and the technology is gaining in acceptance and use.  For more see HPP  

There may be other trade offs of this technology that have not been investigated so I think it's something to keep an eye on as more and more processed foods start showing up touting HPP advantages.

World Population Control and Bill Gates

Bill Gates seems to be heavily invested in multiple methods of population control - some perhaps not so voluntary or civil.  I've been following this theme for some time, particularly regarding the use of common vaccines to injure health and fertility.  Here is the latest in a long list of articles:


Chorella, Cilantro and Niacin Detox

Another Dr. Mercola post saved for further investigation and confirmation:


Note: Since Dr. Mercola's articles usually end up supporting something he is selling and his articles seldom contain supporting documents, I read them with some skepticism.