Vaccination - Faulty Science?

Here are some interesting observations about mass vaccination programs of the past. Or as the saying goes, he who does not learn from history is bound to repeat it. Or, H1N1, here we come!

• In the USA in 1960, two virologists discovered that both polio vaccines were contaminated with the SV 40 virus which causes cancer in animals as well as changes in human cell tissue cultures. Millions of children had been injected with these vaccines. (Med Jnl of Australia 17/3/1973 p555)

• In 1871-2, England, with 98% of the population aged between 2 and 50 vaccinated against smallpox, it experienced its worst ever smallpox outbreak with 45,000 deaths. During the same period in Germany, with a vaccination rate of 96%, there were over 125,000 deaths from smallpox. (
The Hadwen Documents

• In Germany, compulsory mass vaccination against diphtheria commenced in 1940 and by 1945 diphtheria cases were up from 40,000 to 250,000. (Don't Get Stuck, Hannah Allen)

• In 1967, Ghana was declared measles free by the World Health Organisation after 96% of its population was vaccinated. In 1972, Ghana experienced one of its worst measles outbreaks with its highest ever mortality rate. (Dr H Albonico, MMR Vaccine Campaign in Switzerland, March 1990)

• In 1977, Dr Jonas Salk who developed the first polio vaccine, testified along with other scientists, that mass inoculation against polio was the cause of most polio cases throughout the USA since 1961. (Science 4/4/77 "Abstracts" )

• In the UK between 1970 and 1990, over 200,000 cases of whooping cough occurred in fully vaccinated children. (Community Disease Surveillance Centre, UK)

• In the 1970's a tuberculosis vaccine trial in India involving 260,000 people revealed that more cases of TB occurred in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. (The Lancet 12/1/80 p73)

• In 1978, a survey of 30 States in the US revealed that more than half of the children who contracted measles had been adequately vaccinated. (The People's Doctor, Dr R Mendelsohn)

• The February 1981 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of obstetricians and 66% of pediatricians refused to take the rubella vaccine.

• In 1979, Sweden abandoned the whooping cough vaccine due to its ineffectiveness. Out of 5,140 cases in 1978, it was found that 84% had been vaccinated three times! (BMJ 283:696-697, 1981)

• In the USA, the cost of a single DPT shot had risen from 11 cents in 1982 to $11.40 in 1987. The manufacturers of the vaccine were putting aside $8 per shot to cover legal costs and damages they were paying out to parents of brain damaged children and children who died after vaccination. (The Vine, Issue 7, January 1994, Nambour, Qld)

• In Oman between 1988 and 1989, a polio outbreak occurred amongst thousands of fully vaccinated children. The region with the highest attack rate had the highest vaccine coverage. The region with the lowest attack rate had the lowest vaccine coverage. (The Lancet, 21/9/91)

• In 1990, a UK survey involving 598 doctors revealed that over 50% of them refused to have the Hepatitis B vaccine despite belonging to the high risk group urged to be vaccinated. (British Med Jnl, 27/1/1990)

• In the USA, from July 1990 to November 1993, the US Food and Drug Administration counted a total of 54,072 adverse reactions following vaccination. The FDA admitted that this number represented only 10% of the real total, because most doctors were refusing to report vaccine injuries. In other words, adverse reactions for this period exceeded half a million! (National Vaccine Information Centre, March 2, 1994)

• In 1990, the Journal of the American Medical Association had an article on measles which stated " Although more than 95% of school-aged children in the US are vaccinated against measles, large measles outbreaks continue to occur in schools and most cases in this setting occur among previously vaccinated children." (JAMA, 21/11/90)

• In the New England Journal of Medicine July 1994 issue a study found that over 80% of children under 5 years of age who had contracted whooping cough had been fully vaccinated.

• On November 2nd, 2000, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) announced that its members voted at their 57th annual meeting in St Louis to pass a resolution calling for an end to mandatory childhood vaccines. The resolution passed without a single "no" vote.
(Report by Michael Devitt)

Courtesy Natural News

72 page pdf document on the history and legality of mandated vaccination

Water - what is pure?

This is another research project. What is pure water and how can you get it?
Distilled water - not so pure
Hype - where is the analysis to back up the claims?!

More on Water - an update (12/31/09): Drugs on Tap; Bottled Water - Check it out!

BigPharma and Genetic Polution

Now that the 'worst pandemic the world has ever seen' has failed to materialize (but guess who got rich off the hoax?), there are millions of vials of H1N1 vaccine that will shortly have to be disposed of. Ever wonder where it goes? Does your government care? NOPE!

(NaturalNews) Polluting the environment with H1N1 vaccines:

There's a huge environmental concern in all this, of course: What's the effect of dumping millions of doses of H1N1 DNA / RNA into the public sewer system? No one really knows. It's yet another grand Big Pharma experiment. And how about the chemical additives, preservatives and adjuncts added to the vaccines? What impact will all those chemicals have on the environment?

It's a startling fact that the sewage expelled by one city ends up in the public drinking water of the next city downstream. Sewage is treated, of course, to achieve EPA-regulated "safe" status before it's dumped back into the rivers, but the EPA doesn't regulate something called "DNA pollution." DNA and RNA can be dumped into the sewage systems in virtually unlimited quantities, without any regulatory oversight (the FDA doesn't regulate drug disposal either).

If you think about it, then, this whole swine flu fiasco has been a huge scam of paying money to the drug companies in order to flush swine flu genetic material down the drain. This is the brilliance of government-led health policy, by the way: Spend good money to pollute the planet with potentially dangerous genetic material that might one day end up recombining with some other opportunistic viral candidates circulating in the wild.

What a clever way to help cause the next great pandemic, huh? It's almost a perfect recipe for vaccine repeat business: Take today's most virulent pandemic strain, replicate it in pharmaceutical labs around the world, then dump it into the environment for mass distribution. That's essentially what's happening here. It sounds insane, but it's exactly what's about to take place when the H1N1 liquidation sales are over and medical retailers just start flushing all these vaccines down the drain.

No EPA regulations
There are no EPA regulations that limit the dumping of vaccines directly into the public sewage system, by the way. Dumping excess pharmaceuticals down the drain is routine in modern medicine. Hospitals, clinics, pharmacies and patients routinely flush pharmaceuticals down the drain. This is why you can now find HRT drugs, antidepressants and blood pressure drugs in the fish near any major U.S. city.

So many drugs are now dumped into the sewers that rivers have become Big Pharma runoff zones that poison the fish and destroy aquatic life. No wonder the world's oceans are dying -- they're all being bathed in Big Pharma's chemical waste!

But that's not the end of this story: In places all across America, sewage waste is used to make fertilizer that's spread on crops. The solid sewage waste is called "biosolids" or "black gold," and it's used by farmers and gardeners as a soil additive. What the people using this toxic sludge don't realize is that it's contaminated with Big Pharma's toxic chemicals. And soon, it may be contaminated with H1N1 vaccine material from all the millions of unused doses that pharmacies couldn't manage to peddle to consumers.

In the end, all those unused vaccines will eventually end up as crop fertilizer. It's yet another reason to avoid monoculture crops and grow your own food using biodynamic gardening methods, huh?

Plant essential oils - removal

This is a research project
Ref-1 Ref-2 Ref-3 Ref-4


Globesity - World's Ten Fattest Countries

We have been inundated with the word 'pandemic' which seems to dull the word 'epidemic', but the epidemic of obesity is becoming worldwide. So much so that the World Health Organization has coined the word Globesity. From WHO studies and statistics here is the latest:

The World's 10 Fattest Countries

1) American Samoa, 93.5 percent (of population that's overweight)
2) Kiribati, 81.5 percent
3) U.S., 66.7 percent
4) Germany, 66.5 percent
5) Egypt, 66 percent
6) Bosnia-Herzegovina, 62.9 percent
7) New Zealand, 62.7 percent
8) Israel, 61.9 percent
9) Croatia, 61.4 percent
10) United Kingdom, 61 percent (Interesting sidelight)
Canada comes in at 59% (2004)

For more, see F A T and should that disappear, try More FAT.

Well, So What? Here is some additional information on what you can do about it and how to reduce your waste-line (pun intended): Fructose and Metabolic Syndrome

Or, keep up that "Low Fat Diet" and see where it will get you: U of M

H1N1 etc.

A general collection of articles about the great flu hoax of 2009

Come and Get it! Tamiflu will do! Or . . .maybe jellybeans are better.

The Plague, the Flu, and YOU - More of what you CAN do besides getting shot!

NOW WHAT! The Ukrainian Flu - We've seen how very expensive and inefficient the H1N1 has been. When are we going to get smart and start to rely on what we were intended to do to combat these illnesses. If you don't think the writing is plain, take notice - your government is totally unable to throw enough money at this to help YOU. But they are able to throw YOUR MONEY to BigPharma to make them richer!

Are flu shots safe & effective? Mounting evidence says NO! Dr. Gary Null
(There are those who would discredit Dr. Scheibner, a major resource quoted by Dr. Null. She is actually a geologist. But how she and her husband discovered a connection between SIDS and vaccines is most compelling GoSee or More) of course the CDC has also discredited this connection(!). This is really interesting - a MUST HEAR!

Problems with premature viral treatments: CDC Dr Shelton It appears the CDC is encouraging treatment with Tamiflu or Relenza even though the physician doesn't know exactly what he is treating. Dr. Shelton reveals the dangers of these drugs that aren't very well known to doctors who use them.
Suicide, hallucinations, etc. indications of neurological side effects of these drugs. Many doctors attribute these side effects to the flu, not the medicine. Whoops, Dr. Shelton is an interesting case by herself. I guess you don't embarrass the law in cook county! Here is another link for similar info. Tamiflu

H1N1 a 'dud' pandemic

The Canadian shuffle - at least they are checking some of the real research. And you might just want to consider a little exercise and Vitamin D. U.S. not so smart...

How do they know if anyone really has the flu, much less the H1N1 strain? Here is a well researched article by the New York Times.

Lancet Study Flawed Vaccination Studies Problems continue with Mercury!

(The majority of flu shots contain 25 micrograms of mercury, an amount considered unsafe for anyone weighing less than 550 pounds.)

An excerpt from a CBC article "In both Canada and the U.S., health authorities are reporting that influenza-like illnesses are running higher than normal these past four weeks, though they have largely given up tracking how much of this is H1N1 related." hmmm . . want to read between the lines on that one? And with the scare tactics being promulgated, why wouldn't there be more reported "influenza-like illnesses? You used to stay home and get over a cold - now you run to the doctor!

Since governments have been suckered into buying so much of the stuff on the false pretense there will be one of the worst pandemics in history (I wonder who started that rumor?! - wouldn't have been BigPharma by any chance?) there is not only a mass media blitz pushing 'the shot', but every means possible is being taken to generate the expected number of hospitalizations, deaths, and sickness resulting from the H1N1. It's the new-news generation: if there ain't any news, make it up! Or did that happen when most phone lines were party lines? (most people don't know what those were).

Interesting site

Sun, Vit-D, Skin Cancer, Heart Health, Gene Health

Is sun exposure to be avoided and sunscreens used at all times? That might be killing you!

There may be a health link between Vit D and your Genes

So . . . Whatcha Gonna Do!?!?! (Update) Get natural antibiotics (Antimicrobial Peptides) - your own body should make them. But maybe its not doing a very good job. See how to rev-it-up with Vitamin-D.

See the D-Council. A good read. Its not a vitamin - its more a hormone.

You need sunlight on your skin for your body to make vitamin D. And many are vit-D deficient because they have become sun-o-phobic. Much to the detriment of their overall health.

Dec 08 Update: U.S. News (heart health) and JACC . Other references: UC-San Diego & Harvard Medical

The key is daily sun exposure of 5 to 15 minutes to lots of skin (not just your big toe) and avoid sunburn. This will keep your vit-D up and your risk minimal. Winter will really cut down your vit-D if you live farther North because the sun is at a lower angle. More on this later (I hope).

UPDATE: Quest Labs give inaccurate results for Vitamin D lab tests. More than you ever wanted to know!

New addition - Mushrooms, when exposed to UV-B make Vit-D, just like we do. LINK

There is the additional problem of toxins found in sunscreens/sunblocks; plus a lot of them just don't work! There are alternatives on the market, but you have to hunt them down! Here are a few:

In the name of medical 'Science'

Are you the next 'Guinea Pig'?! This is a bit of an eye-opener!
Human Studies Advance to what is going on the past 20 years!