80% of parents want FAT kids

Do you want your kid to be obese?  Must be since about 80% of children are now becoming obese.

But to take the guesswork out of it, here is how to do it:

How to make your kid fat and develop cirrhosis or the liver: 
First and foremost, let them eat/drink sugar (or a lot of alcohol).  READ THE LABEL!  See just how much sugar is in almost every breakfast cereal, or processed food (hint - it comes in a box or container).

From a recent article by Dr. Mercola: 

"HFCS is in the vast majority of processed foods—even those you wouldn't think of as sweet, such as ketchup, soup, salad dressing, bread and crackers. Even "natural" foods often contain fructose as a sweetener. So even if you don't drink soda, if you eat processed or packaged foods at all, you're likely consuming fructose—and a lot of it. Fructose accounts for 10 percent of the calories in the average American diet.  Metabolically, it's the worst of the worst."

"How Consuming Fructose Can Damage Your Liver:

Fructose is very hard on your liver, in much the same way as drinking alcohol.
1.Liver burden number one: After eating fructose, 100 percent of the metabolic burden rests on your liver—ONLY your liver can break it down. This is much different than consuming glucose, in which your liver has to break down only 20 percent, and the remaining 80 percent is immediately metabolized and used by the rest of the cells in your body.

2.Liver burden number two: Fructose is converted into fat that get stored in your liver and other tissues as body fat. Part of what makes fructose so bad for your health is that it is metabolized to fat in your body far more rapidly than any other sugar. For example, if you eat 120 calories of fructose, 40 calories are stored as fat. But if you eat the same amount of glucose, less than one calorie gets stored as fat. Consuming fructose is essentially consuming fat! "

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