You Are What You Eat

"You are what you eat" goes back to the 16th or 17th century it appears. Little did they know how true that statement was! Most doctors do not believe this, and certainly most people don't believe this. Got cancer? Your oncologist also does not believe this and many will tell you to avoid any antioxidant supplements (like vitamin C) if you are on chemo - but that's another bizarre story. Have you ever heard of Epigenetics?(don't go here - very complicated) It is really fascinating and you don't have to be a genious to understand what it means to YOU. The education channel & NOVA had a very interesting program on it. Go HERE to see it.

P.S. You better plan on growing your own food. The FDA has taken another step towards killing our food so the phytonutrient and vitamin content is greatly dimenished. Yea BigGov!! But then if we get sicker more often and get chronic conditions then we are more dependent upon BigPharma! Have we found the enemy?

C-Reactive Protein (CRP)

This is one of those things most of us don't know anything about - Wikipedia is a good place to start. Basically it, along with other tests can indicate things amuck in your body that put you at higher risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other chronically debilitating or deadly conditions. Here is another informative link.

What I got in Africa

I just returned from my holistic doc (my regular doc couldn't find anything, or even knew what test to perform) and found that my two-year stay in Africa resulted in a GI infection of Enterobacter Cloacae. I've had it for a year now - not fun stuff. My options were a heavy dose of gut blasting antibiotics, or a more natural treatment consisting of probiotics, grapefruit seed extract and other more natural and health boosting solutions. By my tone you could probably guess that I have NOT chosen the antibiotics; although it would have been quicker, easier, and certainly cheaper (in the short term). I had received the lab results (from Doctor's Data) and didn't want to wait the couple of weeks before my holistic doc appointment, so I increased my grapefruit seed extract and olive leaf extract, oil of oregano, plus a few other items like milk thistle to help my liver out. The difference has been impressive and my symptoms have 90% disappeared. My doctor said I was on the right track and suggested a few other supplements to help get it all as we certainly don't want a recurrence.
9-4-08 Update: Things are going much better although I had a bit of a setback from an 8 foot fall and a fractured hip (Upper femoral neck fracture). The doc said it was the best fracture he had seen in a long time (my claim to fame?) and that my bones were strong and I must be in pretty good shape. Imediately after the fall, I took some Noni juice and have continued to do so as a pain killer - the stuff is supposed to be 70% as effective as morphine but is not addictive and has no adverse side effects. Plus it is a natural blood thinner - much better than aspirin and more powerful agents such as warfarin, etc.; although I did dutifully give myself a daily shot of Arixtra that is designed to prevent deep vein thombitis (blood clot) after hip surgery - heart attacks and strokes I can do without!
I have not needed any pain killers before, after, or since the operation to pin the fracture and seem to be healing well. And did you know that pharmaceutical pain killers are also likely to hinder the healing of broken bones? Check it OUT. Here is a similar report from BBC.

Most Americans suffer from Malnourishment

Do you wonder why so many americans are overweight, obese, or morbidly obese? Because they are undernourished! Sounds crazy doesn't it?

Here is an article (tho more hype than documented fact) that is a good introduction: Fat but Starving

Most people are grossly out of balance when it comes to the essential fatty acids. Essential means if you don't get them you are going to pay (kinda like air)! We usually get far too few omega-3's and too many of the omega-6's. Like 15 to 25 times more! A more healthy balance is 2 to 4 times the 6's as the 3's. Here is a good article on Omega's If you want the heavy medical treatise check UMMC

Update: More on the Omega 3's. I've been taking Twinlab Norwegian Cod Liver Oil which is also high in Vit-A and Vit-D. But may consider changing to Krill Oil - here is one of several studies JAMCOLN Also see today's post about CRP (C-Reactive Protein).

A related but important issue is the mistake of buying 'Fat Free' or 'Reduced Fat' processed foods. Fat isn't the culprit, it's the kind of fat - and often fat-free usually means sugar loaded, or worse, sugar substitute or HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup). See my section on HFCS for a little background on that killer!

Stuffy Nose all the Time? Sinus Cleanser

Have a stuffy nose a lot? Try Sinus Cleanser. It works wonders for me - and its natural; no drug side effects because it goes after the bacteria, fungus, and bad stuff that makes this a chronic condition. It does this with coloidal silver, grapefruit seed extract (see elsewhere in blog), and oregano in a saline solution. Go to web site or call 1-800-247-6553. But you have to use it as directed for a couple of weeks for the full effect. Then occassionally as needed.

Since I was a kid I suffered from allergic rhinitis and chronic sinusitis. I even spent a pretty penny of my health insurance on turbinate somnoplasty - that's fancy doc talk for burning out your sinuses. As for many allopathic treatments - they went after the symptom and not the cause; so, in about two months after the burn-out, my sinuses were right back to their normal enlarged/obstructive condition. And life goes on - clogged up. Next came the modern SmithGlaxoCline (BigPharma) solution of Flonase - a steroid inhalant. Its not good to use these for very long (Bad Stuff) as they may cause nutritional deficiencies resulting in osteoporosis and a compromised immune system (more colds, flu, cancer, etc.) - or vague nondescript symptoms typical of malnutrition.

BigPharma Family Tree

This links to an undocumented paper, so it could all be fiction. But dig deeper yourself and you will find its 'in the footnotes'. Poison For Profit

Did you know I.G. Farben produced Zyklon-B gas which was used in the Nazi death camps? You probably never wondered what happened to the Nazi pharma/chemical death industry after WWII. It makes an interesting read - in a wierd kind of way. Just do various searches on I.G. Farben combined with other morbid terms and you are bound to turn up interesting stuff.

Hmmmm . . . . even turned up in Wikipedia