The American (USA) Medical $ystem - Di$ea$e for Profit

As the Washington circus continues to grow and Obamacare looms ever menacingly all around us (Death By Medicine), I can't help but comment on sickcare in this country.  Time and again I see our medical system little more than a money mill for ignorant doctors and drug pushing pharmaceutical companies.  I grant a partial exemption for acute care however; they do a pretty good job of taking care of traumatic accident victims, although again, the overuse of worse than useless drugs in the rehabilitation of patients is appalling.  My heart does go out to anyone in the system who has been mis-educated by BigPharma and is caught up in prescribing, dispensing, and using, and supporting the thousands of drugs that are ruining the future of this nation.  Medical Costs (caution - look here to see who's who on this site)
More on BigPharma in Education

Any attempt by Washington or state bureaucrats to further extend the coverage and tentacles of this corrupt system are like giving protection money to the mafia - it fills the pockets of the greedy at the expense of the rest of us.  Unless a major change is made in the drug pushing, pharmaceutical run sickcare system we are under, there will be little change in the horrible statistics piled up each year on all fronts relating to 'health' in this country.

Every time I hear the scapegoat of 'genetics' used to explain diseases and maladies that are becoming epidemic in our society the term epigenetics ecoes ever louder in my brain.

Here is a link to a fairly good overvue of the situation, although quite outdated:  LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH 

Health results when we eat, breath, and work in a healthy way.  Sickness results when we stray from that.  A return to health does not come by loading up on drugs that treat symptoms bur rather by returning to (or adopting for the 1st time) healthy practices.  If you can, please see the documentary "Forks Over Knives" on Netflix if you have it, or get it from Amazon or other outlets.

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