HPV Vaccine - you better think twice

One of the latest money makers from Merck, Gardasil (see Catherine Morgan) has some minor side effects - if you consider death as a minor side effect! To help insure Merck's own immunity from the depression hitting the rest of us, they have put on a major media blitz and are reportedly buying influence in high places to make it law that requires all young women get this vaccine.

To see what's happening in your state, check NCSL. (Check tables about 1/3rd down)

You might want to investigate Merck'$ benevolent desire to help all mankind before getting sucked into this vaccine craze! See Judicial Watch, Women's Health (another blog), rumors from US News, JAMA, or Vaccine Awakening (another blog - why should I duplicate the excellent work shown here); of course if you want it from the horses mouth see Merck'$ spiel.

UPDATE: I just found out that Merck has applied to have Gardasil approved (and you can bet they will try to get it MANDATED) for boys and men also!

What happened to the BEST medicine - abstinance before marriage and fidelity after marriage. Last time I checked, it was fully effective and only good side effects.

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