Globesity - World's Ten Fattest Countries

We have been inundated with the word 'pandemic' which seems to dull the word 'epidemic', but the epidemic of obesity is becoming worldwide. So much so that the World Health Organization has coined the word Globesity. From WHO studies and statistics here is the latest:

The World's 10 Fattest Countries

1) American Samoa, 93.5 percent (of population that's overweight)
2) Kiribati, 81.5 percent
3) U.S., 66.7 percent
4) Germany, 66.5 percent
5) Egypt, 66 percent
6) Bosnia-Herzegovina, 62.9 percent
7) New Zealand, 62.7 percent
8) Israel, 61.9 percent
9) Croatia, 61.4 percent
10) United Kingdom, 61 percent (Interesting sidelight)
Canada comes in at 59% (2004)

For more, see F A T and should that disappear, try More FAT.

Well, So What? Here is some additional information on what you can do about it and how to reduce your waste-line (pun intended): Fructose and Metabolic Syndrome

Or, keep up that "Low Fat Diet" and see where it will get you: U of M

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