H1N1 etc.

A general collection of articles about the great flu hoax of 2009

Come and Get it! Tamiflu will do! Or . . .maybe jellybeans are better.

The Plague, the Flu, and YOU - More of what you CAN do besides getting shot!

NOW WHAT! The Ukrainian Flu - We've seen how very expensive and inefficient the H1N1 has been. When are we going to get smart and start to rely on what we were intended to do to combat these illnesses. If you don't think the writing is plain, take notice - your government is totally unable to throw enough money at this to help YOU. But they are able to throw YOUR MONEY to BigPharma to make them richer!

Are flu shots safe & effective? Mounting evidence says NO! Dr. Gary Null
(There are those who would discredit Dr. Scheibner, a major resource quoted by Dr. Null. She is actually a geologist. But how she and her husband discovered a connection between SIDS and vaccines is most compelling GoSee or More) of course the CDC has also discredited this connection(!). This is really interesting - a MUST HEAR!

Problems with premature viral treatments: CDC Dr Shelton It appears the CDC is encouraging treatment with Tamiflu or Relenza even though the physician doesn't know exactly what he is treating. Dr. Shelton reveals the dangers of these drugs that aren't very well known to doctors who use them.
Suicide, hallucinations, etc. indications of neurological side effects of these drugs. Many doctors attribute these side effects to the flu, not the medicine. Whoops, Dr. Shelton is an interesting case by herself. I guess you don't embarrass the law in cook county! Here is another link for similar info. Tamiflu

H1N1 a 'dud' pandemic

The Canadian shuffle - at least they are checking some of the real research. And you might just want to consider a little exercise and Vitamin D. U.S. not so smart...

How do they know if anyone really has the flu, much less the H1N1 strain? Here is a well researched article by the New York Times.

Lancet Study Flawed Vaccination Studies Problems continue with Mercury!

(The majority of flu shots contain 25 micrograms of mercury, an amount considered unsafe for anyone weighing less than 550 pounds.)

An excerpt from a CBC article "In both Canada and the U.S., health authorities are reporting that influenza-like illnesses are running higher than normal these past four weeks, though they have largely given up tracking how much of this is H1N1 related." hmmm . . want to read between the lines on that one? And with the scare tactics being promulgated, why wouldn't there be more reported "influenza-like illnesses? You used to stay home and get over a cold - now you run to the doctor!

Since governments have been suckered into buying so much of the stuff on the false pretense there will be one of the worst pandemics in history (I wonder who started that rumor?! - wouldn't have been BigPharma by any chance?) there is not only a mass media blitz pushing 'the shot', but every means possible is being taken to generate the expected number of hospitalizations, deaths, and sickness resulting from the H1N1. It's the new-news generation: if there ain't any news, make it up! Or did that happen when most phone lines were party lines? (most people don't know what those were).

Interesting site

1 comment:

Virtual Butterfly said...

MegaFood has a great whole food vitamin D - and some of the wonderful therapeutic mushrooms can be tremendously supportive.