Sun, Vit-D, Skin Cancer, Heart Health, Gene Health

Is sun exposure to be avoided and sunscreens used at all times? That might be killing you!

There may be a health link between Vit D and your Genes

So . . . Whatcha Gonna Do!?!?! (Update) Get natural antibiotics (Antimicrobial Peptides) - your own body should make them. But maybe its not doing a very good job. See how to rev-it-up with Vitamin-D.

See the D-Council. A good read. Its not a vitamin - its more a hormone.

You need sunlight on your skin for your body to make vitamin D. And many are vit-D deficient because they have become sun-o-phobic. Much to the detriment of their overall health.

Dec 08 Update: U.S. News (heart health) and JACC . Other references: UC-San Diego & Harvard Medical

The key is daily sun exposure of 5 to 15 minutes to lots of skin (not just your big toe) and avoid sunburn. This will keep your vit-D up and your risk minimal. Winter will really cut down your vit-D if you live farther North because the sun is at a lower angle. More on this later (I hope).

UPDATE: Quest Labs give inaccurate results for Vitamin D lab tests. More than you ever wanted to know!

New addition - Mushrooms, when exposed to UV-B make Vit-D, just like we do. LINK

There is the additional problem of toxins found in sunscreens/sunblocks; plus a lot of them just don't work! There are alternatives on the market, but you have to hunt them down! Here are a few:

1 comment:

Sailor said...

That is very interesting. I had heard a little bit about chronic Vitamin D a couple of months ago. I am not really a sunblock believer, but I do think sunburn is to be actively avoided. But I like the idea of a natural tan, the skin being desensitized a little at a time in the spring. But maybe that is just me. I generally forget to put the block on, or forget to bring it, or to reapply it.