Stuffy Nose all the Time? Sinus Cleanser

Have a stuffy nose a lot? Try Sinus Cleanser. It works wonders for me - and its natural; no drug side effects because it goes after the bacteria, fungus, and bad stuff that makes this a chronic condition. It does this with coloidal silver, grapefruit seed extract (see elsewhere in blog), and oregano in a saline solution. Go to web site or call 1-800-247-6553. But you have to use it as directed for a couple of weeks for the full effect. Then occassionally as needed.

Since I was a kid I suffered from allergic rhinitis and chronic sinusitis. I even spent a pretty penny of my health insurance on turbinate somnoplasty - that's fancy doc talk for burning out your sinuses. As for many allopathic treatments - they went after the symptom and not the cause; so, in about two months after the burn-out, my sinuses were right back to their normal enlarged/obstructive condition. And life goes on - clogged up. Next came the modern SmithGlaxoCline (BigPharma) solution of Flonase - a steroid inhalant. Its not good to use these for very long (Bad Stuff) as they may cause nutritional deficiencies resulting in osteoporosis and a compromised immune system (more colds, flu, cancer, etc.) - or vague nondescript symptoms typical of malnutrition.

1 comment:

Sailor said...

Hmmm.... very interesting...I may have to give this a try. Thanks for all the research.