Poison Plastic

I've updated this post with the latest news (9/16/09) on Bisphenol A, or BPA. Since the health conscious have avoided it because of the greed connection to Big Bu$$ine$ and the all-to-easy approval of the FDA, I thought I'd include the latest news update showing the link between BPA and cardiovascular disease (heart), and diabetes. Check It Out.

Oh, and don't forget about Melamine - It is in candy and a lot of other stuff from China. Here is a tidbit from the FDA on a recent recall. Here is one from Mike Adams on Halloween Candy.

Melamine Updates: Who's next? Take a LOOK. And I bet this is the tip of the iceburg! Yep - More and. . . more, and more!

Heard of Bisphenol A? Its been in the news for awhile. It's supposed to be bad stuff that leaches out of those shiny plastic bottles you have around. Read After receiving assurances from the manufacturers, the FDA says it's OK. So in all fairness, you can go here and be reassured by the American Chemistry Council.

"The plastics that have the most BPA are those made of polycarbonate plastic -- they are usually rigid and transparent and used for toddler cups, baby bottles, food storage containers and water bottles. They are frequently marked on the bottom with the letters "PC" and the recycling number 7. Plastics with the recycling numbers 1, 2 and 4 on the bottom are better choices."

Another interesting development is the use of melamine in pet foods and infant formulas to falsely boost the apparent protein content. In pet food - more protein, more $$. Supposedly safe, it has been found that malamine in combination with other chemicals can be deadly. Who is pulling this trick? You guessed it - the Chinese! But it didn't take long for the U.S. pet food industry to catch on! So who is next?

If you can't go to sleep at night, there's lots of technospeak here at NIH. Basically it says "We aren't sure - and you all are the Guinea pigs!" Hmmmm - kinda sounds like the FDA. . .

You might also want to check out this site that tells what those little triangles on the bottom of all your plastics mean. Code Guide

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