Most Americans suffer from Malnourishment

Do you wonder why so many americans are overweight, obese, or morbidly obese? Because they are undernourished! Sounds crazy doesn't it?

Here is an article (tho more hype than documented fact) that is a good introduction: Fat but Starving

Most people are grossly out of balance when it comes to the essential fatty acids. Essential means if you don't get them you are going to pay (kinda like air)! We usually get far too few omega-3's and too many of the omega-6's. Like 15 to 25 times more! A more healthy balance is 2 to 4 times the 6's as the 3's. Here is a good article on Omega's If you want the heavy medical treatise check UMMC

Update: More on the Omega 3's. I've been taking Twinlab Norwegian Cod Liver Oil which is also high in Vit-A and Vit-D. But may consider changing to Krill Oil - here is one of several studies JAMCOLN Also see today's post about CRP (C-Reactive Protein).

A related but important issue is the mistake of buying 'Fat Free' or 'Reduced Fat' processed foods. Fat isn't the culprit, it's the kind of fat - and often fat-free usually means sugar loaded, or worse, sugar substitute or HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup). See my section on HFCS for a little background on that killer!

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