Who Runs Washington?

This has nothing to do with health. Or does it? I heard a statement recently that there are two lobbyist for every US congressman, most paid big money, from the pharmaceutical industry alone!

Not to accept this at face value, I sleuthed down the following site: OpenSecrets they have a nifty Site Tour for a quick introduction. I've not fully explored it, but just the information on how much pours into Washington through the lobbyists is daunting! Think your congressman will pay attention to your letter? One has to wonder.

To save you a little frustration, here is a page on the BigPharma sector: BigPharma and wonder why 2010 is so low? That's just the first quarter! If you do a little simple math (calculators allowed), divide $200 Million (BigPharma Lobbying $) by 115 Million (number of households in US) that comes out to $1.7 Million per household! Gee that can't be right. Wow, talk about a stimulus plan! I'll take that over Obamacare any day!!

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