Osteoporosis. . .take a drug

An interesting and amazing thing has happened in the medical world! Its almost transformative! Take a term that describes a condition and then use the same noun as the name of a disease! Isn't that the most creative thing you have ever heard of?! And it makes it so much easier to invent another disease for which we can come up with another wonder drug! So what shall we call this world changing creation? Hmmmm how about Etymorphing! Yes, Etymorphing!

For the latest word to be etymorphed, just watch the TV commercials informing you what you need to tell your doctor what drug you need (isn't that practicing medicine without a license?).

One of the earlier words to be etymorphed was 'Osteoporosis'. Somewhere in a galaxy far away - whoops wrong plot! Anyway in the distant past osteoporosis went from a word describing a bone condition to a word describing a disease. OK, we now have a disease. The only way to treat a disease is with a drug, surgery, or radiation. The drug of choice - lets try Fosamax (with the funny 'r' - not sure how to make that on this blog). There seems to be a tiny side effect for long term users however - they tend to break their femur. But rest assured, Merck has thoroughly inve$tigated it and found no correlation. Anyway here is the story: FRACTURE

Rebutal: Reuters

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