Infant/Baby Health

There are a number of things mothers can do to help their baby.

1st - Omega-3 essential fatty acids, found in leafy greens vegies and fish oil. Ups the I.Q. of baby if mother takes while pregnant. Also helps immune system of infant and helps protect children from excitotoxins found in processed foods, formulas, vaccines, fruit juices, processed baby foods, and junk food. Read that as ADHD, etc. Reference-1 .
It can also help with postpartum blues, and recovery of mother. Ref-2.

2nd - Be careful of baby formulas. Be really sure it is made in America. But since FDA has no capability for checking safety of formulas (and just because it is made in U.S. doesn't mean all the ingredients are). Breast Is Best. Sorry, upon later examination, this link has dissappeared from the FDA website. I guess somebody got paid off??
! Add to this that the United States is the only country in the world where infant formulas are generally not fortified with DHA, this despite a 1995 recommendation by the World Health Organization that all baby formulas should provide 40 mg of DHA per kilogram of infant body weight. Oh, you get both DHA and EPA from fish oil - Nordic Naturals have flavored oils which really aren't that bad tasting. . . and no heavy metals.

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