That 'F' word (Fluoridation)

The title gives it away... Since it is quite easy to find all the 'facts' that fluoride is good for you ($$$, BigCorp & BigGov) this post contains some more interesting stuff - if you want to live long and enjoy it.

Here is a link to an entertaining UTUBE presentation
Like that one? Here's ANOTHER
And . . . yet ANOTHER

This article by the Managing Editor of Flouride, seems particularly relevant to expectant mothers and new families (also alluded to in the Utube clips). Read the Introduction beginning on page 9/88 of the PDF document. Here is a quote from that article: “Fluoridated water may be having its most devastating effects on the most vulnerable, those in utero and infants less than one year old, whose brains are most sensitive to developmental neurotoxins such as fluoride.” The whole article addresses Fluoride Fatigue. Feeling tired? Wondering if you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia? Fluoride might be a part of the problem.

Want a little history of the connection between BigGov, BigCorp & fluoridation? (follow the money) scroll down to “How It All Started” at Fluoridation Hoaxhmmmm, surely this can’t be true! Could such things happen?!

Other links for the inquisitive mind:

International Society for Fluoride Research (ISFR) and publishers of FLUORIDE , a technical journal with some articles understandable to the intelligent layperson.

Link to Parents of Fluoride Poisoned Children (PFPC)

CDC Cover up Complaint

Professionals call for End of Fluoridation
PDF version of above

Fluoride Action Network home page

NATIONAL TREASURY EMPLOYEES UNION: Eleven EPA employee unions representing over 7000 environmental and public health professionals of the Civil Service have called for a moratorium on drinking water fluoridation programs across the country. Also see News

Dangers of Fluoridation & Fluoride compounds in our environment

Detrimental effects of Fluoride*:

  • Causes dental fluorosis
  • Damages DNA repair enzymes
  • Causes hypothyroidism
  • Toxic brain effect – particularly when associated with aluminum and lead
  • Increase of lead in fluoridated water systems
  • Increases risk for osteoporosis
  • Increases risk for cancer (DNA damage)
  • Causes skeletal fluorosis
  • Reduces fertility in males

Aluminum-Fluoride Complex (AIF3)*

  • Neurotoxic at 0.5 ppm
  • Impairs brain-cell cytoskeleton
  • Reduces brain phospholipids
  • Inhibits phospholipase D in neuron membrane
  • Lowers brain CoQ10 levels
  • Produces widespread neuron loss in hippocampus

*from multiple sources including Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. ISBN 0-929173-42-2

1 comment:

Sailor said...

When I took my first college chemistry course our teaching assistant gave us the lab walk through. He held up a reagent bottle of sodium fluoride and told us that the chemicals in the lab were very pure, very concentrated, and that for instance, with NaF, instead of a small amount of decay prevention, we would get 'a large amount of death'. Which did get our attention.

I think this must be a fairly complicated subject as to how to get the benefits of better decay prevention. My mom lived in a town that had a lot of minerals in the water, among them fluoride, and she ended up with a sound mind and great teeth. But then, they grew up in the depression, had not a lot of sugar, ate a lot of vegetables that they raised, and drank a lot of whole, unpasteurized milk as thay had a dairy. Sometimes the equation has several variables, and if you just solve for 'x' you invoke the law of unintended consequence concerning 'y', 'z' etc.