Pain - Natural Remedies

So what are you to do if you don't want to use BigPharma drugs?! (See my other posts on Pain Killers. . . (1) (2)
For chronic pain, or any pain for that matter, I've found drinking a good quality noni juice (tastes terrible - but you get used to it) works pretty good - but it may take a couple of days for it to take full effect. It is supposed to be 75% as good as morphine, but without the side effects and is non-habit forming. They say a few ounces a couple times a day.

If your bowel flora is out of balance, the bad bacteria can make substances that excite your pain sensors - so Probiotics, Oil of Oregano, Olive Leaf Extract, etc. help get you back in balance.

Another treatment is Prolotherapy. Remember C. Everett Koop? (U.S. Surgeon General)
Read about his experience and belief in prolotherapy.

After multiple back injuries, beginning with a car accident in high school, I suffered frequently with back pain. I was told the final and only ultimate solution would be back surgery. After doing some homework, it looked like that would not be a solution, but the beginning of lifelong journey down a road I wanted to avoid. Several years of prayerful searching led me to Dr. Mark Darrow. At that time, my alarm clock was my back - that pain was what woke me up every morning. I remember going to his clinic for my first prolotherapy treatment in the afternoon. I then drove back to our apartment wondering how many treatments it would take to feel some relief. To my amazement I slept longer than I had for a long time. May experience may not be typical, but I'm so glad I found that miracle rather than going under the knife!

Besides Dr. Darrow you can find other doctors who practice prolotherapy here. I've found not all prolo-docs are equal, so you might try to talk to some patients.

For small cuts, scrapes, and bites, I've found rotating topical applications of tea-tree oil (I like Malaleuca brand), tea-tree salve, and concentrated noni juice really works well. The tea-tree oil, noni juice, and royal jelly are supposed to be good on diabetic foot ulcers - but I've not had any experience there. (no source, just personal experience..)

For 1st & 2nd degree burns, get the burn cooled down as fast as possible with ice and apply a combination of tea-tree oil, aloe vera, and noni juice. Keeping the burned area cool with ice packs will control the pain and may take a couple of hours or even overnight (avoid frost bite tho!) for the pain to subside - keep it just cool enough to control the pain.

Of course I am not a doctor; I'm just sharing what I've learned from experience. Go see your doctor who will tell you this is all bunk. Then if you really want a new experience - find a holistic doctor.

1 comment:

Sailor said...

Annie had some prolotherapy for neck pain, I think. And she hasn't had to have any surgery, so I think that it worked. That is our only experience.