Pink Slime, the new hamburger filler

It's getting harder and harder to eat well.  The meat industry has been using something now called - PINK SLIME or LFTB (Lean Finely Textured Beef).  Don't be fooled by the name - basically it's all the junk from the animal that used to be discarded as waste, called 'slaughterhouse scraps'.  This formulation is used as a filler to dilute and pollute (even more) the hamburger you get at restaurants, fast food chains and your local grocery store.  But don't worry, it doesn't have any diseases in it because it has been amoniated to kill anything that lives.  Wikipedia has a good description of all this.  The public outcry over this stuff will likely result in a lot of lost jobs and some shutdown factories: See USA-Today (3/28/12).

Now some politicians are calling for a congressional hearing to investigate what happened that common people, not them, have power. 

More to come I'm sure!

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