Sick Care - a broken system

I just found this interesting paper from Cornell University on how broke our Sick Care System is - your politicians apparently know something about this - yet the system just keeps getting worse and more expensive!
As for me, I'd rather put my bucks in healthy living and good nutrition and supplements. . . . Did you know that the US spends 45% of the world's money on drugs even though we are only 5% of the worlds population? But are we better off? Nope, just broke - and the quality of our Sick Care system ranks 37th in industrialized countries and we are 72nd in overall health!

Here is a publication from the National Coalition on Health Care (HCHC) about the ever increasing cost of Sick Care in the U.S. "Health Insurance Costs"

And surely you would want to go to Who'$ Running Wa$hington

More . . . .

Part of the problem is that sick care is a 'for profit' business in this country. Profit for the insurance companies (Medicare Advantage programs), profit for hospitals (Fla), and for sure - profit for the pharmaceutical industry!

Please feel free to view a very revealing documentary. You may also want to look up my post on Medecine in Other Countries and Shady Beginnings.

Is there hope? This quote by President John Adams may be an indication: "We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion... Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

1 comment:

Sailor said...

As the bible salesman in 'O, Brother, Whereart Thou' says just before he beats Everet and Delmar to a bloody pulp with a tree branch: "It's all about the money, boys!!"

And it is.