
Note - ! under construction with frequent updates ! (Latest Update 17 Jan 09)

Cancer - It's a real killer; either literally or financially - and I want to put the odds in my favor as much as possible. If you are interested, here are things I've found:

1. What is cancer? Normal cells gone bad through changes in their DNA.
2. How do you prevent cancer?
a) Minimize exposure to those things that cause DNA damage.
b) Strengthen your cells against DNA damage.
c) Strengthen those processes that correct DNA damage.
d) Build up your system to more effectively fight cancer as it appears.
3. Some things to know if you have cancer.

Here are some natural things to help prevent cancer:

Grape Seed Extract: No side effects and it has been documented not only to strengthen blood vessels and tissues against the onslaught of proteinases excreted by cancer cells, but it also causes apoptosis (cell self destruction) in the cancer cells. U of K.

Vitamins B6, B12, folate, choline, and methionine are vital to DNA synthesis. Deficiencies in these nutrients greatly increases the risk of cancer. Some of these are addressed separately later, but you need all of them for the full synergistic effect.

Vit B12: The best form of B12 supplement is sublingual methylcobalamin lozenges available from Country Life or BioInnovations. It is best absorbed and most bioavailable. B-12 plays a major role in DNA repair as well as promoting normal nerve and brain function.

Beta-carotene: Vitamin A can be derived from beta-carotene and avoids vit-A toxicity. Vit-A inhibits cancer induction and growth. Beta-carotene has anticancer activities including inhibition of cancer growth chemicals and inflammatory signals. Beta-carotene is a carotenoid - one of fifty or so contained in a good diet. It is best to take a mixture of these carotenoids, not just beta-carotene alone. (Vit-A & Vit-D problem to keep a watch on)

Miscellaneous related subjects:
Angiogenesis - growth of new blood vessels.

Some of the information here came from an excellent, though somewhat technical, book written by Doctor Russell L. Blaylock - a board certified neurosurgeon with over twenty years dealing with cancers. Natural Strategies For Cancer Patients.

Other Resources: Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Dr. Schreiber, MD

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